My first attempt at some vocals! (Cobra+Metal Foundry)


Mar 24, 2009
Hey guys just thought I'd share this: Foundry Test 2.mp3

Its my first serious attempt at doing some vocals for my own material, I think it sounds alright but I fucked my throat :lol: Need to work on that :blush:

The guitars are Framus Cobra through my Blackstar cab.

Drums is my first ever time messing around with metal foundry and it still needs some work, but I think it sounds alright.

Bass is podfarm into Ampeg.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: I tried to get a bit more seperation between everything, I used a slight stereo enhancer on the guitars and I think it sounds pretty good: Foundry Test 3.mp3
Muhahaha, very distinctive style with the highs, but the lows are quite nice.
Guitars and drums are good, the entire thing is probalbly a bit scooped.