my first decent mix. advice/critiques welcome


Jan 27, 2010
This is draft 1 of a 3 song demo I'm doing for a band. no witnesses july 19.mp3

Guitars are mic'd from a 6505+ sm57/sm7b

Bass di/audix d6 on cab (bass player had very poor technique, im not happy with the tone)

drum shells are 100% drumagog replaced with slate, quantized by hand in cubase 5. cymbals recorded with cheap mxl v63m's

vocals recorded with sm7b

firepod pres

All critiques are welcomed

This is also my first time slip editing drums so if you hear anything odd please let me know

edit- i changed link to mp3 for quicker download time
Thanks, i know the intro has ridiculous blasts i will keep working at making them sound more natural.

The guitar tone I'm having trouble with. It seems no matter what i do i cant get it to sound good. The only thing ive done to the guitars is eq'd the low end woofiness out and boosted the high end some (the tone recorded was really dull)

Any advice to improve the guitar tone? I didn't track a di.
I want to hear the drummer actually play those parts live in the beginning. I don't buy it. Post the raw unprocessed track with no sample replacement!

It sounds so fake that it detracts from everything, the mix, the tune, etc.

The snare IMO is too poppy. Kick sounds sloppy in parts. I'd take a look at that editing, especially around the 1:40 mark. Sounds like the kick is triggering extra hits or something. The kick at 2:10 sounds as fake as the blast in the intro. I don't buy that the dude played it, haha.

Guitar tone IMO works. Playing is a little sloppy, but the tone sounds alright.

Bass works as it is IMO.
this sounds like the average shitty deathcore wanna be band, they are as sloopy as anyone elso.
really it sounds like a bonus track from a bring me the horizon album, the screams are the same, guitars sounds similar
maybe the band will be happy with the mix if that was what they were looking for.
I think with the lack of the DI, and no other options your guitars aren't a deal breaker.

They could use some low mids added, I think that would really bulk them up nicely.

As far as the drumming goes, Im with the other posters, I'd use a different sample for the snare and really start automating the shit out of the parts that sound ridiculously unnatural.

I'd automate the overheads/cymbals a bit b/c somtimes they aren't at all audible and at times they are overwhelming.

This is not by any means "bad" or anything, you're off to a really great start with what you have, and with what your were given to track! haha