My first gear endorsement: PEACE Drums!!! \w/

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
I now officially endorse PEACE drums!

(see the right coloumn)


I've been playing drums since I was 14, I'm now 28, and this is my first ever gear endorsement!

I had ordered this kit back when I was still drumming for NECRAMYTH in Seoul, Korea and had it delivered in Canada last July, just in time to set it up and start touring with GATES OF WINTER for the summer. Evan Madden (The Green Evening Requiem) also used my PEACE kit and rack on our November WOODS OF YPRES tour into the USA and through Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. This is the first 'real-deal', serious, professional grade drumkit that I've ever owned and I've been loving it! It sounds heavy as hell and delivers a thrilling range of dynamics in sound when driving blastbeats and double bass! Plus, it looks like a supped-up black metal hot-rod with chrome hardware and black on black drums. I've been completely satisfied with PEACE drums and I'll be using them on all my upcoming projects in 2009. I feel that PEACE fits the overall message of what it is that I do and I'm proud to be an endorser!

fyi - One other known 'metal' PEACE drums endorser is NEVERMORE drummer Van Williams.

More news to come! :)

In Canada, contact Heartbeat Percussion, Canada's Source for Istanbul and Alchemy cymbals, Peace Drums, Stage Ninja, Hornets and Robokey.

For information on your nearest dealer, contact: Heartbeat Percussion Ltd.

e mail:

mailing address:
Box 74021, RPO Fraser Heights
Surrey, B.C., Canada V4N 5H9

office address:
#104 9775 188 Street
Surrey, B.C., Canada V4N 3N2


DG - \w/ :kickass:
Holy shit! Congrats dude! That's exciting as hell! :kickass: (And I know I believe you, Van Williams has such a friggin sweet sound)
i can say from firsthand experience that this is one sweet drum kit. David and I set up and tune completely differently from one another, and the amount of flexibility that this kit has both sonically and physically is impressive! it definitely passed the road test during the November tour!

not only is this ridiculously awesome but you CLEARLY have the nicest promo pics for the drums. Peace drums is phase one of your endorsment endevours, Sabian im sure is gettin a call next congratulations brother!