My First Iron Maidens Concert


Aug 5, 2006
Ok...I thought I should give this it's own thread, outside of Asterothe's...this being my first Iron Maidens concert! here goes...

Last night in San Diego...

Last night was my FIRST time seeing The Iron Maidens...and wow was it a great show!

My friend has seen them maybe 6 times now, and he made a statement that I scoffed at before the show. I'm the most diehard Maiden fan I've ever met, and my friend says to me about their musicianship "If you put Bruce on stage with them, and close your eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference". You know what? He was really close to being correct. My jaw dropped so many times, I thought about just leaving it there!

When the show started, I was impressed and thought to myself..."ok...they're good, I'll enjoy this". However, the more the night went on, the more I got sucked in to it...and the better it got. I cannot tell you how amazed I was.

Part of what made it so amazing, was that the setlist was loaded with songs you know Maiden won't play. Oh man...Wasted Years finishes, and all of a sudden I hear this backwards voice that is so failiar to me.....

"Hassana noof, nobees neebeelem....nooooof. Snobeef nemees minnesooootoff. Nff, nff."

I was so unbelievably in lust/love with the girls at that point (ok...maybe before that, too...especially Wanda...holy freaking God she's beautiful). I had long since given up EVER hearing that song again! It's one of my all-time favorite Maiden songs. Hearing BQOBD, TPOTO, and Wasting Love also...amazing!!!!

Not much else I can say, I suppose....except to thank the lovely ladies! Oh yeah...managed to come away with a guitar pick from each of the ladies on guitar :)

Some specific observations about each lady...

1) Aja - Amazing pipes, and great stage presence!
2) Wanda - seems almost relaxed up there, but plays very VERY well...not to mention, I would like for her to be my future ex-wife. ;)
3) Sarah - Holy freaking moly! Both guitar players blew me away...but gives 320% up there. You can tell that this is part of who she is...and it immediately earned my highest respect for her part in the band.
4) Elizabeth - Adrian plays some of the most amazing and precise solos...and Elizabeth just nailed them time after time. I kept paying VERY close attention, and she impressed the hell out of me, every time!
5) Linda - Besides playing an incredible show on the drums, I kept hearing a backing vocal from time to time, when no one was on the mic up front. It didn't take long to see Linda pounding onthe drums, and singing into her mic. To play the drums like that, and sing backing

Oh...and...well...Hi everyone...nice to be here. If anyone here is also on the official Iron Maiden BB....I'm "Khan" from over there.
Air Raid Siren said:
Hi there Khan! Glad you enjoyed the show. We had a great time, as always, at Canes.

Welcome to our BBs. Now ya gotta post in the pictures of you thread so everyone can put a face to the name!! :)

Thanks Aja! I think I've got one on here of me with Deen Castronovo! I did the cover for one of Journey's recent CD's, and for Deen's drum kit for that tour. I hate pictures of me...but alongside the mighty's postable...LOL.
Metallicat180 said:
Now you just need to find the thread - it's one of mine if that helps. :lol:

I can't find it :cry: ...I don't think it exists anymore :cry:
Eh , they lip sync the whole show and the music is all on tape...

Yeah thats right Aja , I said it ! Bring on that black belt and i'll....



:p :p :p

I hope they come back to Texas again....There show was steller !!!
I have not seen the band yet...I got my copy of the cd from Linda at the MOTORHEAD gig in San Diego. I have read about the band in mags ocassionally but never got a chance to see em play live yet. Look forward to that day of course.
Khan71 said:
Ok...I thought I should give this it's own thread, outside of Asterothe's...this being my first Iron Maidens concert! here goes...

Last night in San Diego...

Last night was my FIRST time seeing The Iron Maidens...and wow was it a great show!

My friend has seen them maybe 6 times now, and he made a statement that I scoffed at before the show. I'm the most diehard Maiden fan I've ever met, and my friend says to me about their musicianship "If you put Bruce on stage with them, and close your eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference". You know what? He was really close to being correct. My jaw dropped so many times, I thought about just leaving it there!

When the show started, I was impressed and thought to myself..."ok...they're good, I'll enjoy this". However, the more the night went on, the more I got sucked in to it...and the better it got. I cannot tell you how amazed I was.

Part of what made it so amazing, was that the setlist was loaded with songs you know Maiden won't play. Oh man...Wasted Years finishes, and all of a sudden I hear this backwards voice that is so failiar to me.....

"Hassana noof, nobees neebeelem....nooooof. Snobeef nemees minnesooootoff. Nff, nff."

I was so unbelievably in lust/love with the girls at that point (ok...maybe before that, too...especially Wanda...holy freaking God she's beautiful). I had long since given up EVER hearing that song again! It's one of my all-time favorite Maiden songs. Hearing BQOBD, TPOTO, and Wasting Love also...amazing!!!!

Not much else I can say, I suppose....except to thank the lovely ladies! Oh yeah...managed to come away with a guitar pick from each of the ladies on guitar :)

Some specific observations about each lady...

1) Aja - Amazing pipes, and great stage presence!
2) Wanda - seems almost relaxed up there, but plays very VERY well...not to mention, I would like for her to be my future ex-wife. ;)
3) Sarah - Holy freaking moly! Both guitar players blew me away...but gives 320% up there. You can tell that this is part of who she is...and it immediately earned my highest respect for her part in the band.
4) Elizabeth - Adrian plays some of the most amazing and precise solos...and Elizabeth just nailed them time after time. I kept paying VERY close attention, and she impressed the hell out of me, every time!
5) Linda - Besides playing an incredible show on the drums, I kept hearing a backing vocal from time to time, when no one was on the mic up front. It didn't take long to see Linda pounding onthe drums, and singing into her mic. To play the drums like that, and sing backing

Oh...and...well...Hi everyone...nice to be here. If anyone here is also on the official Iron Maiden BB....I'm "Khan" from over there.

I hear you Khan. A buddy of mine told me he enjoyed seen them as much as seen Maiden themselves. I thought he was full of it until we went to the Blue Cafe show, and I saw them for the first time. Shit, I will never miss another show if I can help it!
