My first Mix - Dark 90ish rock


Jul 16, 2009
Indianapolis Indiana
Over the last year or so, I have slowly been building a small studio at home. I am trying to purchase the best mics, preamps, sound treatments etc. that I can possibly afford in an effort to record my friend's and my own Ideas. I have also been reading this forum every single day for the last six months trying to soak in as much info as I can.

This is my first mix with said gear, and it's still in the rough phase, but I wanted to get some feedback from you guys and see if there are things that need to be addressed that my ears, room, or monitors aren't picking up. It's my younger brothers band, his first time singing (he's been in screaming only bands before) and I really want to make the most out of it. I know the vocals aren't perfect, but I think that adds some character to it.

Anyhow, take a listen, there is a limiter on the 2bus to get some level, but I do plan on this being professional mastered. Also, I just noticed a strange gating issue on the snare track in the middle of the song, so try to ignore that. Samples/Control.mp3
Mix itself (and this is just my ears)...drums need to be a bit punchier bigger (so reverb and some life in them), crunchy guitars sound like there is a blanket on them so some more presence and more bite, vocally good tone ....but vocals are coming in and out of pitch and at times too many note changes in one word
But other than that keep it up I like the song!
Yeah, I am having a bit of trouble getting the drums to punch the way I would like. A bit of that might also be the limiter I threw on the master killing the snare. Obviously, I'm not trying to go for a super processed sound on this one, although I do think the drums need some attention.

I plan on doing a lot of automation on this to keep the levels just right, but right now I am just trying to pin down the tones.