my first mix with the sturgis samples

I'd A/B it against something you like. Work on trying to get the levels a little more even. Drums are pushed back a bit. Maybe a little EQing on the guitars too. What did you use for them?
the guitars are le pou 456 head and im using amplitube 3 for the cabs

what kinda eq do suggest on the guitars. all i did was just high pass and low pass them and a cut around 3k to make room for vocals
As stated the drums are way too far back in the mix. The entire mix is unbalanced, the guitar playing isn't tight, and the vocal performance needs work. The drums also sound really weak, is there any compression or anything on this mix or is it just "fader jockeying"?
i dont have any compression on the drums or guitars, theres two layers of compression on the vocals. and there is compression, a little bit of saturation, clipping, and a limiter on the master bus.

I did clip the kick and snare though
Editing my original post:
I assume you mean that these drums are using the sturgis samples that he is selling. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

However, would you mind sending it to me? I want to try mixing this track.