My first paid gig, rough mix, death metal real drums.

I would say try to make it "bigger". Perhaps some nice reverbs or something. Other than that, sounding very good for your first gig. But everything sounds too "close" to me. Perhaps bring the vocals too the front a tad bit more!
Think guitars need a tad bit more definition too. Also the guitars at 1.24 sounds a bit odd, like if the noise gate was working harder than it should!
Thanks man. Yeah, I think there needs to be more taming in the low end too. I know what you mean about "close" sounding. I'm going to reamp the guitars. As far as the guitars sounding weird, I think that's from me trying my best to make really sloppy playing sound tight.
Not bad at all! But definitely needs some reverbs to make the instruments a bit "further away" and the vocals need to be just a tad more highlighted. But otherwise very nice, awesome actually! :)