My First Saxon Show - 1985

747 Stranger

Scandinavian 101
Jun 29, 2006
Northeast Ohio, USA
The first time I saw Saxon live was in 1985, on the Innocence is No Excuse tour. A few friends and I cut school after third period and drove up to the Variety Theater in Cleveland, Ohio.

It was a bone-chilling November day and we stood outside the venue from about 10:30am until the doors opened at 7:30 that evening. We were the only ones there until about 5:00... when a large bus pulled up to the curb. A tall man with long blond hair looked out the window of the bus, and when the door opened he walked up to us, shook our hands and asked in a familiar British voice, "You gonna kick our ass tonight?"

It was Biff Byford. :worship: I was absolutely in awe. We chatted for a bit and asked him what they were going to play. He said they were going to go back and do some Denim and Leather, Wheels of Steel and Strong Arm... as well as mix in some of the new stuff. It was such a thrill meeting him, I don't think I felt the cold for the rest of the time we stood outside.

The show was fantastic. Heaven opened for them, but I wasn't too familiar with them. I knew their "In the Beginning" song, though. It was a general admission show, so when the doors opened we ran and got front row, just right of center. I was singing along to nearly everything they played. At one point, Paul Quinn pointed at me, then held his finger to the side of his nose. I had no idea what that meant, so I turned my attention back to Biff's vocals. A few seconds later I felt something hit me in the nose... Paul's pick. It fell to the floor and someone else picked it up. Arrggh! :cry:

Later in the show the entire crowd was chanting 20,000 Feet! 20,000 Feet! 20,000 Feet! repeatedly. Biff apologized, "Oh, Cleveland. You picked the one song we're not prepared to play." Drat! But they did do this great medley including 747, Heavy Metal Thunder and a few others. He also apologized for not being able to bring the eagle with them. It was a small venue, so I wasn't surprised.

Sorry to bore you with all this. Just thought I'd offer some fond memories!

747 Stranger
NE Ohio, USA
WILKS said:
That was a great little read.Maybe we should all post our first times.

Good idea mate!

For me it was at the Rainbow Theatre, London, 1980, at the age of 11.

I still remember the day very clearly. I went with my brother (Dave) and three of his mates (Mal, Phil and Vic). I turned up at the shop my brother was working in at the time and Mal took me back to the house they were sharing. The afternoon was spent listening to many metal albums to get in the mood.

The evening soon came and we drove off to the gig. We stopped off in a pub before the gig for a few beers (well no beers for me, I didn't start drinking until I was 14!), but Dave, Mal, Phil and Vic put a few away. Only problem was that Phil was actually driving! Now these were the days when drink driving wasn't so much of an issue. We nearly didn't make it to the gig because as we drove into the Blackwall tunnel, well Phil nearly drove into the Blackwall tunnel literally!

Anyway, we made it to the gig. Lionheart were supporting but the others wern't bothered about seeing them, and we stayed in the bar. Now, this is where I probably got my indifference to watching support bands! Saxon were soon to be on stage so off into the hall we all went.

To be honest I remember virtually nothing about the gig. But I obviously loved it because I was a die hard Saxon fan from that night on. I never saw a live band before, so Saxon were the very first band that I ever saw live.

This was the time when Saxon were on the rise, and they were to be playing the Hammy before the year was out.
Ok the above date was the first time !

You all need to remember at this stage I was a fledgling rocker slowly moving over from the dark side of Punk. My first full on Metal gig was Donington Monsters of Rock 1984 ! (Not a bad first METAL gig even if I say so myself! :heh: )

So hear goes the only Saxon song I knew was Wheels of Steel, but sure enough I see they are playing the Apollo my local venue at the time and I'm right up for it.

Suffice to say I wasn't up to speed on the issues surrounding the band at the time i.e. the label dispute with Carrere? (Excuse spelling) So I was amazed by the welcome they got, they truly were homecoming heroes! Highlights / memories from the gig have to be "Back on the streets" (yeah it may not be the greatest in the back catalogue but it summed everything up at the time) and then at some point in the gig (excuse my memory), Biff puts on this bright Red Leather Jacket (crikey it was lairy) and ask's the question we've all heard a million times before and for me since "Are there any bikers in tonight!"
And sure enough leaping out of the amps comes "Motorcycle man" :kickass:

Well that was it, I was hooked and I haven't looked back since.

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