My friend doing a retarded stunt.

Thanatopsis123 said:
I hate videos like this that don't go on to show how much damage was done. I want to see what his back looked like after that.

He went to the hospital, they bandaged him up and said to stay overnight so he got all mad and left and came back to the party. Partied for the rest of the night with shirt off + bandages. The kids pretty fucking retarded.
I don't judge!

Haha, in truth all those folks are more my older sisters friends but I party with them. But that is to many words compared to 'my friend doing retarded things'.

Not that my friends are any less ridiculous.
When did RC become a fuckin' Nacy-Drew novel? Sheesh. This place is getting lame. I know my recent posts are dumb but seriously, RC is not as awsome as it used to be.
dill_the_devil said:
How come when footbalm launches himself out of a fourth-floor window, that's hilariously metal, buy someone Tully know somersaults onto a thumb-tack covered burning table and everyone starts clucking with disapproval?

because fotmbm makes 1990!Now videos for us to enjoy so his existence has been justified.