My heaviest and most pissed off mix yet(and i mean it)


No Care Ever Destroyer/Mix 1/The Nick C Extraveganza for Kids.mp3

I completely reworked my guitar and bass tone for this band. The guitar was Schecter C7 with Emg 707s. For bass I actually used my maxon 808 to give a little extra distortion in addition to the SansAmp drive. This is also my first time using that particular snare sample.

this isn't a hunge change in sound for me, but i managed to try enough new stuff to change it up a little bit. This is mix number one for this band, so let me know your thoughts. Plenty of time to change stuff


Here is the final mix. Added more bass, adjusted the c4 settings on guitar(it was taking too much away), adjusted a couple levels, and added a limiter to the vocals(the band was complaining about the vocalist's mids being too low in the mix compared to lows and highs, and i was too lazy to separate them to different tracks, so i just threw a limiter on the vocal bus and called it a day haha). for Kids that can't Read Good.mp3
great brian, i think it´s one of your best mixes.:)
kick sound great, i like low-end kicks.;)
a lot processing in kick?

and, your usual guitar method? guitar -> digi -> pod farm.

again, awesome mix.;)
i agree with the low end point, there are parts of the vocals that sound killer for me, and some (like at the beggining) that.. don't... i dunno :/ but it's not a mix problem i guess...
is it sill a mix or is there some premastering on your master bus ?

Anyway, in my DAW I read it's clipping to around +0.7 dBFS on loudest drum hits, you should check it

Can anyone tell how many dB RMS it goes, on average ? I wanna check if my RMS meter in Reaper is correct.

Anyway it's a great mix !
Shit Brian! Killer thick guitar tone, this shit is killer. This is a killer mix for sure. I dont want to sound like an a-hole but have you thought of blending some other samples with the SSD ones? Im not referring to this mix in particular, I mean generally, because unfortunately SSD is almost becoming the new ezdrummer in terms of recognition, you recognize it anywhere.

But apart from that, shit dude, everything is perfectly balanced, although just a touch of more low-end would definitely settle it! Congrats man!
The mix sounds sick as fuck Brian!

My only complaint would be the vocals almost sound like they have a blanket on them in parts and don't have a good high end sizzle. Not sure if your low passing them but i may fuck with that bit. They do work in the mix though fine but thats the only thing that caught my ear.
kick and bass need more subbass mannnn, this is sounding heavy as hell man, but theres none of the frequencies that are gonna punch the listener in the chest really jumping out at me. below like 90hz it sounds a bit wimpy.