My Humps - Alanis style.


Mar 1, 2005
Albany NY
Yeah... I have no idea what this is from or for. One of my friends on livejournal posted it in her journal.

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I think it's a great song!

After seeing that video I found out it's a cover/parody of a Black Eyed Peas song, and the two sound NOTHING alike! :lol:

And after hearing the original, it made me like the cover even more. If you're curious:

I know the original song since I own that album, I just have no idea what this was done for. It almost seems like it belongs on those new digital shorts on SNL but those are usually original songs, not cover parodies.
I know the original song since I own that album, I just have no idea what this was done for. It almost seems like it belongs on those new digital shorts on SNL but those are usually original songs, not cover parodies.

I believe it was released on April 1st, so perhaps it was an April Fools joke? Not positive, though.
Very amusing. The two songs really don't sound the same. I actually do prefer Alanis's version. And yes I do think it was an April Fool's joke. Clever.
How much better than the original is this? I'm asking because, I might watch it's funny, but the original is one of the worst songs I have ever had the displeasure of hearing, and unless this one is much better, I don't want to watch it.
Thanks Jibrille! I didn't think it was possible for me to worship Alanis more than I already did. :lol:

This song should have been on the Jagged Little Pill accoustic album as a bonus track. :)
I think it's a great song!

After seeing that video I found out it's a cover/parody of a Black Eyed Peas song, and the two sound NOTHING alike! :lol:

This is what I love about the ProgPower crowd, being blissfully unaware of mainstream rap/hip hop culture. I also had to have someone explain to me that this was a parody.

How much better than the original is this? I'm asking because, I might watch it's funny, but the original is one of the worst songs I have ever had the displeasure of hearing, and unless this one is much better, I don't want to watch it.

Think of a slow Alanis song but with the lyrics of My Humps. She even gets all emotional sounding. It's really just hilarious to hear. I wouldn't say it's a huge improvement since the lyrics are just ridiculous but that's what makes this so amusing.
This is what I love about the ProgPower crowd, being blissfully unaware of mainstream rap/hip hop culture. I also had to have someone explain to me that this was a parody.


Haha well in my case it's not just rap/hip hop but all pop. I don't discriminate! haha
This is what I love about the ProgPower crowd, being blissfully unaware of mainstream rap/hip hop culture. I also had to have someone explain to me that this was a parody.


Yep, especially the 'blissfully' part.

As an Atlanta-area resident, where as far as the music press is concerned "if it isn't R&B or hip-hop we'll ignore it".....I'm completely happy that I am -- by firm choice -- not a part of the hip-hop scene.
Yep, especially the 'blissfully' part.

As an Atlanta-area resident, where as far as the music press is concerned "if it isn't R&B or hip-hop we'll ignore it".....I'm completely happy that I am -- by firm choice -- not a part of the hip-hop scene.

I do like the Black Eyed Peas though not this song. It's more like anything I've heard off Fergie's solo album and I hate those even more. If you don't listen to radio, it's pretty easy to have never heard this song.
I don't listen to radio and I have people bring up some of the new pop & rock people/bands and when I don't know who they are, they try to mention songs on the radio. I have to tell them that if it's a radio song from the last 5 years, I haven't a clue what they're talking about (well... unless it's made fun of on the internet all the time like Fallout Boy songs because you can't understand 90% of what he says)
Yep, especially the 'blissfully' part.

I'm completely happy that I am -- by firm choice -- not a part of the hip-hop scene.


I am also blissfully unaware of how horeshit tastes--so forgive me if I do not go out to a field with a serving spoon.

...which, I imagine, is a similar experience to listening to terrestrial radio.