My identity is no longer NAD...


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
This blows, countless forums and webpages that I've stumbled across over the past something months already have people under the username NAD. That shit pisses me off. You are not NAD, I am NAD goddammit!

So anyhow, I need to change my name at UM and RC. Not that I'm going to listen to anyone, but feel free to make suggestions.

Spur of the moment shitty ideas:
Dr. Strangedump
horkin fiber chunks
Adrian of the Rocks
Wang Tango
Arf Modkins
likes to poop
Pickled Spleen
Donut Shoppe of Horrors
Oooh Scrote opens all kinds of ideas

Spam Purse
Axe Wound

These might work, I'm into the whole dipthong thing right now I guess:
Haha, I never saw that one. I remember when I first started lurking over there (pre-Kayo Dot omg!) I thought all the fake accounts were members of motW, so the inherent oddness of that board was tenfold!
I say leave as is! Who cares about other forums or webpages?

I didn't really know Erik as well when he was called "Phyre", so switching to "Erik" was easy.

However, you, J, fotmbm, and Nate the Great will always be NAD, Dreamlord, Sorath, and npearce as far as I'm concerned. My brain can barely handle avatar changes, let alone name changes. :loco:
Oh no problem with everyone still calling me NAD, just that with everyone else hopping on the bandwagon, labelling myself as 1/3 of the male genitalia has lost the mystique.

Also I think you're the only one whose avatar I've NEVER seen changed, what was it before Royal Carnage?
NAD said:
Oh no problem with everyone still calling me NAD, just that with everyone else hopping on the bandwagon, labelling myself as 1/3 of the male genitalia has lost the mystique.
But you're the squadron leader!

How about "Lando Carlissian", just because he was an uncle tom. :loco: Or perhaps, "tracer". :tickled:

Also I think you're the only one whose avatar I've NEVER seen changed, what was it before Royal Carnage?
I can't remember...!
Scrotum Blaster
Terrifying Terry
Rotten Robin
Stiff Upper Lip And The Up-To-No-Goods
Captain Invisible And His Fluffy Bunnies
The Cumming Of The Löööörd
Look! A Frog!