My incident


Oct 16, 2002
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Now I look back on this and it was really embarrassing.
The other night on the way to work, a car was behind me at a stop sign and was blowing his horn, I could hear music blaring from his car, but my windows were up. I continued onto a back road and he was right on my ass, started to worry me so I sped up to about 70. He didn't back off. I thought "shit, road rage on a deserted road at night on the way to work..I'm gonna die". I'm thinking "what did I DO to him??" or "Is fire coming out of my exhaust pipe??!!!" Anyway, I finally got to a light, and the car pulled up along my right side. I looked over and this kid has his head hanging out the window, he's yelling at me and shaking his fist in the air. I opened the window and said "Man, what the fuck is YOUR PROBLEM?" He said "DUDE, SYMPHONY X!!!! SYMPHONY X RULES!" I yelled back "Oh yeah, right...sorry". And we drove away. I had to pull off the road and get my head together, after realizing plate and decals...

He probably thought Romeo was in the car. If you ever join the Forum, kid, I have to tell you sorry to disappoint you and sorry about the names I called you, which I choose to not mention here!! If I would not have been on my way to work, I would have chased him down to ask him to go for a beer and talk music. :kickass: :headbang:
(wonders never cease in this little town.)
NoSoup4you said:
Hahaha, how long did you have the plate before it got any attention?

Strangely, a couple of years. And probably 2 people even mentioned about it.
I would think an enthusiastic fan like this guy would be on the Forum. At least I could apologize for the obscenities! :oops: