My largest sounding mix - Metalcore etc.


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Put up a bonus track from the ol Untruth EP for you, since that one isn't getting many spins anymore. Surrogate.mp3

This one is basically a fairly generic metalcore track, but it has altogether what's probably the largest sounding chorus I've mixed. The verses oddly had their left overhead track deleted so I had to use the left room for that and the snare sounds a bit weird during them as a result.

Anyway, just thought I'd share since I already had the song uploaded.

Holy fuck I forgot how good you were at this.

I really feel the "STD as reference" influence, amazing, really.
ermz, did i tell you these guys sent me their ep for free because i was the first international guy that wanted to buy a copy?
lovely guys, i kept saying i wanted to give them money for it but they werent having it.
so glad i have it in flac.
Don't like the music at all but the mix is awesome. Every bit of space in the mix is filled. Nice!
Thanks guys, really glad to hear you enjoyed something, if not the music, then the mix, or vice versa.

The recording details were written up about a year ago when this thing was first released. If you look through my thread history here on 'Rate my mix' you should find the two threads about it. Sorry but I don't quite have the time atm to hunt for them.

The basic overview of it all is though:

Drums were done over two days, all fairly cheap kit, not great cymbals or anything. Mostly replaced with SD2.0 Avatar. NirZ snare, clear toms. Kick was Slate15 blended with something else for the top end.
Bass and guitars tracked DI here into the Millennia. Guitarhack reamped the rhythms into his 6505/Mesa OS. Leads were 6505 into impulses.
Vocals were U87 into Distressor, and the rest was mostly just as much production work as we could fit in on that tight budget and schedule.

To this day I think it's probably still my 'greatest' work, so to speak. Largely due to the fact that it's the only release in recent times I got a chance to oversee from start to finish. As they say, it's all in the tracking. And even though the performances aren't that tight or edited, we managed to pull it off where it counted and I think came up with a fairly decent EP under the circumstances.

Thanks for listening guys.

PS. Cool to hear about your experience, Gareth. I'm sure the guys were quite excited to be shipping one off overseas, hehe.
Really nice work with the low end. The hit hat is annoying, bright and loud, not digging too much the overheads. But the mix is really good.
I dig the sounds! :dopey: Nice that their is still a bit of feel to the drums, its not all edited to F*** and sounds like a machine.
Nice work :Spin:
yeah it still sounds great, and they sent me a hardcopy over here for free too :D
really nice guys btw, and I still like the EP....I think this song's also in my reference database now haha
what would happen with a proper budget and time-frame??

I don't believe there is such a thing any more to be honest.

Great work Ermz!

Not sure how much you use a U87 but i find that its really hit or miss on screamers. Most of the time I end up using the good ole sm7 over the U87. This one sounds great though....Good job as always!
Joshua nailed it! That kinda thing doesn't really happen so much. Having said that, I'm working with a band called Elm Street at the moment that are super-passionate, and are throwing the necessary amount of funds into their record. It's really really cool, but their style of music is very very 80s - very old school thrash/power, so it doesn't lend itself to the sort of mix weight that modern metalcore doing the Chugga Chugga thing in Drop C will.

Anyhow, I was wondering if you guys might indulge my curiosity, because I've been getting mixed impressions about something.

If you could please quickly go to my site (click the banner in the sig) and tell me whether you prefer the sound of the mix on either 'Drones' by Untruth, or 'Peace' by Eye of the Enemy, that would be great. Having a poll of sorts would really help shape my understanding of what approach people generally like in these genres.

@Mago: In your reference database? Wow that's really flattering dude. I know what the implication whenever I throw a new record into mine is.
@Mago: In your reference database? Wow that's really flattering dude. I know what the implication whenever I throw a new record into mine is.

Yeah its in there since they sent me the EP. I really like the overall feel and balance of the mix
I like the drones mix more, seems more "transparent" to me...