My last mix - JVM content (thrash metal)


Axe Addicted
May 2, 2011
Hey guys,

First, I want to thank you all for everything I learned in this forum :kickass:

I'm mixing my band's album debut album and here's a pre-production. Tell me what you think!

A couple of things:
- The bass is killing me, there's definitely something on that mid low area mudiness that doesn't sound right, can't figure it out... :erk:
- Vox was tracked really badly and we were really pushed to time, so excuse the singer :)
- The drums may be cutting a little too much but i kinda like it that way :D

Guitars: Jackson RRXMG (emg81) - Marshall JVM410H OD2 Orange (no boost) - Marshall 1960AV - Fredman miked (two sm57s)
Drums: Metal Foundry + Samples

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PS: Ozone limiter rips FG-X (for metal)!

CHEERS :worship:
It sounds good! The only suggestion I have is that the vocals seem a tad separate from the music. Maybe some light verb and saturation would make them meld with the music more? I'm a newb, I don't know! definitely sounds good as is though
It sounds good! The only suggestion I have is that the vocals seem a tad separate from the music. Maybe some light verb and saturation would make them meld with the music more? I'm a newb, I don't know! definitely sounds good as is though

thanks, totally agree! the thing is, it has delay, verb and its saturated to shit! (used soundtoys decapitator) I'm always struggling to place the vocals in the right place :/
anyway they were very poorly recorded so that may be the reason, i'll try to get a proper room/mic when we get to the album :)
you kinda piss me off with that tone. haha I had a JVM410 but I sold it to get a Mark III redstripe. Maybe its that mic technique that is making it sound soo good.:headbang:
Boa mistura. As guitarras podem estar um pouco mais altas, visto k tens a bateria bem dominante. A musica esta bem esgalhada e isto ate seria do penis se o vocals tivesse a altura!lol Aparte dos problemas k referes da gravaçao da voz, falta-lhe agressividade e o timbre n é dos melhores. Não gosto mesmo. Mas o resto está bom.
you kinda piss me off with that tone. haha I had a JVM410 but I sold it to get a Mark III redstripe. Maybe its that mic technique that is making it sound soo good.:headbang:

ahaha you must know the beast before selling it! :D Mark III is great too :)

Boa mistura. As guitarras podem estar um pouco mais altas, visto k tens a bateria bem dominante. A musica esta bem esgalhada e isto ate seria do penis se o vocals tivesse a altura!lol Aparte dos problemas k referes da gravaçao da voz, falta-lhe agressividade e o timbre n é dos melhores. Não gosto mesmo. Mas o resto está bom.

boas! sempre bom ver um sneapster tuga! :kickass: concordo plenamente com tudo! O vocalista está a estrear-se no thrash por isso ainda está um pouco às aranhas, mas vou tentar puxar por ele :) abraço!