My latest EBay find

Wimps. I just bought the same shirt from some guy in Stockholm. Just posted a thread on a swedish metal forum, asking for In Flames shirt. Met the guy, paid $10 for that shirt (long-sleeve) + Colony poster.

nemuu said:
Wimps. I just bought the same shirt from some guy in Stockholm. Just posted a thread on a swedish metal forum, asking for In Flames shirt. Met the guy, paid $10 for that shirt (long-sleeve) + Colony poster.

Well, I'm sorry I'm not as cool as you are.:p I've been searching for a Whoracle shirt for years now and have come up emptyhanded. Until now. well, I can at least take some solace that I'm probably gonna be the only one in Philadelphia with one.:p

Now if I can just track down a Jester Race shirt, My life will be complete:p
nemuu said:
Wimps. I just bought the same shirt from some guy in Stockholm. Just posted a thread on a swedish metal forum, asking for In Flames shirt. Met the guy, paid $10 for that shirt (long-sleeve) + Colony poster.

You really think that shit looks good? Metal shirts are nasty. Everyone who wears them look as if though they smell bad.

Notice that I'm a troll again.
Several things can be assured if you wear a metal band shirt.

1. You will never have sex. This may or may not include scene bunny whores who wear fishnet stalkings, have tatoos of celtic symbols/sayings on their shoulderblades, and wear far too much dark makeup than would ever be necessary.

2. You most likely live in your parents' basement. If not, you probably did for far more years than you should have. Get a job and stop listening to bands like lacuna coil, dimmu borgir and iced earth.

3. As un-metal as it seems, you obviously have no clue about any aspect of fashion, self expression or variety in your appearance, and most likely dont even care about it. If this is true...rules 1 and 2 most likely apply here.

4. And last but not makes all metal heads seem as though theyre a bunch of mindless, dirty, kids who are socially deficient, and fashionablly challenged.

and for those of you who dont feel this is true. Look at the metal bands that are getting more popular and are the tier 1 of the underground metal scene. newsflash...THEY DONT WEAR BAND SHIRTS!
I actually like the look you described as "Scene Bunny Whores" for some reason I find it attractive.

And yes, I have a job, and yes I live with my parents. I'm only 20, so I don't think that's such a bad thing.

As for everything else you said, I could give less than two shits:p