My latest mix, pop rock, real drums

Hello there, really liked the sound, very pro IMO, but... there is somenthing I dont liked with the vocals, too much "sss" here and there, maybe the deEsser needs some touch.
Just my two cents.

Agreed on both those points. The snare is probably 70% natural/30% sample, but it definitely has that trademark slate sound to it still. I'll lower the sample, but I'd much prefer to keep the original snare in there.
Sounds really great ! What about the guitar chain ??? I'm looking for that kinda sound but I still can't get it.
What are you listening on? A/B'ing it with Paramore (Riot!), which is a big influence on this band, doesn't reveal any muddiness to me.
my regular reference speakers that I listen to everything on, the bass guitar just seems to be taking too much space, or is not clear enough.
Yeah, I'm not really sure what else to do to the vocals. They didn't really call for any EQ, so I just comp'd them pretty hard and put some verb on them.
The guitar sound is really great for this. Could do with a little bit of a boost in the upper mids, but otherwise a great, mix ready fundamental tone.
Bass guitar will need some work to really bring out it's power in the though.
If you've got DI tracks (which hopefully you do) just fuck around with the bass sound a lot until you get more separation and power to it.
Otherwise sounds very very good, great work!
haha, i cant believe bands still copy other bands sound 100% (im talking composition and arrangement).

the mix is very clean ! but its just not as emotional as clas mixes or bendeths.

maybe with hotter mastering you could achieve a more in your face sound.
also maybe this production lacks all the overdubs that make paramore so "emotional". listen to the moggs of misery business.
there is so much stuff going on...

overall - cool start! but needs more punch ;-)
Killer mix! Don't change a thing. Ok, maybe a longer/more prevalent vox verb, (try a big, fat plate) but other than that, this is really nice!

Very, very punchy, too. It's nice to hear some DYNAMICS for a change!