My latest mix.


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
I have been mixing an album for a week. To me it sounds quite coherent however there are some points to fix sound wise but I'd like to have feedback from fresh ears before the final mastering. That's how it sounds to me:

- First it seems like the guitars lack body (I'd say around 200hz - although I hate this area, I've maybe cut too much here). Could need a more drastic highpass then.
- The bass would need some additional work on it but I'm not really sure....
- A bit too much low end on the kick.
- The toms are boomy to my ears.
- Need more cymbals, and a bit brighter uh?
- The vocals could be a little quieter... and a tiny bit brighter?
- I'd tend to reduce some mids on the drums.

Here are two versions, the first one is the mix with just a limiter on the master bus and the second one is supposed to be the mastered file. So feel free to share your thoughts about any aspect of this mix. Thanks!


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Guitars sound pretty good IMO... bass sounds like it doesn't have enough bite/clank/disto though. I'd bring cymbals up a little more too. I'm not a fan of woody snares but some people are lol.
Only listened to the mix file but sounds great!

The vocals and snare are very loud for my tastes. I agree that the overall vocal level should be reduced.

Snare is too poppy for me, with not enough thump.
Guitars sound brilliant.
I personally like to hear more clank in the bass. If you like it, it's fine though!
I like the kick and toms a lot. They're powerful and sound excellent as they are to me.
Thanks for listening guys.That's weird how you seem to like the guitar tone while they sound thin to me (they lack 'proximity' if that makes sense). I did some corrections I think it's better. I'll post another clip tomorrow. Cheers!
Oops, forgot to repost here :) So here is the final master as far as I can do... unless I find a way to improve this a bit. Some would find the vocals still a bit loud but it remains pretty coherent to me. What do you think?


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I think its very good dude :) In general i liked very much whatever work you have uploaded and i have listened to, in this forum
Thanks Phil! I'm glad you like this mix and the other stuff I posted here :) It's very encouraging!
I'm quite happy of this mix even if I wish the tracks were better recorded. I must precise that sneaper Mago (Marco Cudan) has edited the drum tracks and he did a good job.

I'd like to hear a deeper guitars tone (they're a bit hi-mids heavy at the moment) and some fatter snare (now it's a bit clicky for my taste).
But those are my prefs. The mix sounds pretty massive itself. Good job! :kickass:
Thanks for listening Nikolas! I agree about the guitars, I'd like to have a deeper, fatter guitar tone but I must admit that this point is one of my weak points in every stuff I mix :/ The snare is a band request but that's fine with me tbh. Happy to know you like this one :)
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