My Latest mix

This sounds great! Vocals fit really well in the mix! Drums sounds fantastic too!

Care to share some details about what was used on this? AxeFx perhaps?
Good guess!

yes guitars are Axe-fx, the band recorded it on their own and gave me the printed axefx .wav's - so there is a shit ton of post processing going on as it was their live patch and had alot of flaws.

bass was just a DI running a uad-1 nigel plugin.

drums are the usual suspects - Slate shells (snare 11a, maple toms, kick 10) with sturgis snare 1 + truth custom black beauty snares blended in. and again there was ALOT of post processing on drums. cymbals were joeys masters one.

vocals are running though a AT404 > great river me-1nv

gang vocals rode k2 > great river

vocals were tracked in my half built studio so there was alot of room verb bleeding in.

thats all i can think of for now :)
I feel like there is way too much high end in the mix, just my opinion. Other than that this sounds amazing!
Kind of an old post but it sounds awesome. And that first breakdown part with the vocals following the pattern is so fucking hooky. The rest of the song is alright lol