My Latest Work - First Time Metal Core


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
This is just the 2 minute intro for the CD, but it pretty much sums up what the entire mix will sound like in the end.

Let me know what you guys think. I am still fine tuning the lead tone a bit so that being said how does the rest of it sound??

The band seems very happy with it, I am not sure how I feel about it. I like it, but its not a "typical" mix for me. Drums are WAY BIG for my personal preference but the band is loving it ....

Opinions, Feedback ... all is welcome.
Haha, are they like some horny powermetal band when i was young and reading their booklet: "THANKS (some producer) FOR A BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG SNARE SOUND" like that's fuckin' all they need. Fuck everythin else, gimma BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG drum sound! :D Anyway, yeah you got it it's big, maby a bit boomy but big. I like the guitar tone also. Good job :)
It's just a personnal opinion. It's not an objectif feedback.

For me, the drum/bass are at the right place.

Guitars are a bit fizzy and not as loud as it should be.

@ 0'40" the guitar should be stronger.
@1'10" the same.

only de-stressed the rythme guitar by cleaning the highs and put them a bit upper. They are not clear as they should be in this range of frequencys.

But don't forget it's a personnal opinion.
hm sounds very raw
why are leads and vocals that much upfront, compared to the rest?
rhythms are indeed fizzy
kick works great, bass is very nice too
snare doesnt sound that huge to me too
REally ... I am not noticing the fizz at all. Maybe I need to check my monitors, they did get moved the other day for some cleaning. Maybe I hit the high frequency attenuation knobs....

Snare needs bigger? Really thats surprising, I detuned the shit out of Snare 5 and thought I got that nice SHOT GUN sound. Maybe I need to blend in some Snare 11 aswell, or the sneap snare.

Leads definitely need some work for sure, that I am still working on. Vox I can bring down a tad.

Ya the bass on this one I an VERY VERY pleased with. Its an Ibanez Ergo with Bartolini Actives. Just a single track doubled and the good ol Ola Trick. Low pass on the clean track, and High Pass and Sand Amp on the gritty track.

Kick is Kick 10 blended 50/50 with LSD Big Rock Kick
The lead guitar is a bit fizzy. The drum sounds somehow dead in the mix. I am not digging the overheads. The drum should be much more upfront with more presence.