My latest work, would like some opinions!


Dec 18, 2006
This is the latest band I recorded, they wanted the work ready by 24th of this
month so I had only one week to edit, reamp and mix (in
fact, the reamping an mixing were made in the last day)

I would still do a lot of things in the mix but i had no time, anyway in
the future i will make an even better mix, probably.

here it is:

I did another rushed single this week
check this one:
I'd apreciate feedback

Thanks for the replies guys, did a quick pseudo-mastering but it only hit -10 RMS and didn't compared at the time so when i compared to other records i was like "oh shit".

It seems i have a constant problem with the kick volume on every song i mix, every one tells me it's too loud but when im mixing it seems pretty cool =O
Not bad...
But i think you could automate the bass drum.
And the lead vocal with backing vocal.
I feel the vocals like that there were a blanket over the singer throat (backing vocals).
Vocals are really just compression and reverbs/delays, i think it sounded pretty good as it is but yes, i wanted to work a bit more on them, normally i'd add an exciter to brighten them up but i think they don't sound that bad.

I did another rushed single this week, also wanted to automate, specially the kick but had no time...
check this one: