My MayonesDuncan competition entry


Apr 25, 2007
Hey guys n gals!

So, been pretty hectic at work, but I managed to get a solo done for the Mayones/Seymour Duncan competition.

The tone is kinda, well, aweful.. and the take is a bit shaky in places, but it not a production competition! :D


That's it! I won't even try. I don't have ability to play fast stuff and without it I don't have any chance in such big competition.
I really Loved your use of harmonics and guitar tone, I don't think lot of % will have chance against something like that.
There's definitely something in your solo that grew on me. Perhaps, the combination of factors. A touch of vintage vibe, Gibson SG tone, the musicality and the right amount of speed without going too 'shreddy'. All this glued together into what we call 'individuality'. Sweet!
nezvers: You should join in! Speed is not everything, I think there are too many technically great players in the competition, but, from what I've seen so far, only a hand full of entries that really has written a solo that fits the music. So go for it, write a beautiful melody and do what you do, there's always a chance, and even if we don't win, it's still a lot of fun writing "for something" with a deadline :)

Bormoleos: Wow, man.. I'm all red-cheek flushed now, such kind words. Thank you! :)
I had no idea what this was all about until I checked your post, this is a great take on this piece man, well done. :headbang:

After watching yours I viewed a lot of other guys and its sad to see how many people are just doing mindless sweeps and predictable scale runs up and down the fretboard. I will try do a solo of my own hopefully if I can get the right vibe, but I would put yours in the top 5 of what Ive seen so far.
Thanks, Boneman!

Yeah, it's a bit of wasted potential, sometimes, when people are that technically skilled, yet don't bother using it in interesting ways. A lot of them seem to go through "Sweep exercise A, B and then D + Pentatonic lick B" repeat. I agree it's sad.
Thanks, Boneman!

Yeah, it's a bit of wasted potential, sometimes, when people are that technically skilled, yet don't bother using it in interesting ways. A lot of them seem to go through "Sweep exercise A, B and then D + Pentatonic lick B" repeat. I agree it's sad.

Not to piggy back your thread mate, but heres mine. I couldnt slag off the other entries without giving people a chance to do likewise. :lol:

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Nice, man!
I really like when you're following the rhythm of the backing track. Feels very fitting and gives it that "glue" to the song, and ending on the sharp note is always sweet in my book! :p
Great solos! Check out also the entry of my friend from Russian band Anamnesis. He is amazing guitarist! I'll work on some their stuff soon, looking forward to start!
