My metal list

Woah, WAY different than mine! But thats a good thing. Great list bt/w. And thanx for pionting out a a horrible choise in which I relaced in with (genius was replaced with terria) I dont have most of the cd's unfortunately...
If I had one Iced Earth album, it probably wouldn't be Burnt Offerings...although it really is a top notch work. The rest of IE's albums are more consistent, especially their masterpiece, Night of the Stormrider, and The Dark Saga.

Granted, "Dante's Inferno" is easily one of the greatest metal songs ever. The live version on Alive in Athens is even better!
That OSI is great, its like Dream Theater doing their best Pink FLoyd impression except a little more electronica.
arglebargle said:
I find the clean vocals in Into Eternity quite mediocre.

I find all the vocals in Into Eternity quite mediocre... the only weak point for me... still a cool thing that they do though...

Pleasant Shade of Grey (8.5)
In your Multitude (9)
Ride the Lightning (1.5)
Burning Offerings (2)
Politics of Ecstasy (8)
Divine Wings of Tragedy (9.5)
Freak Kitchen III (never heard... but don't like what I've heard of the band)
A Sceptic's Universe (7)
Towers of Avarice (10)
Light of Day, Day of Darkness (3.5)
Insight (6.5)
Burn the Sun (10)
Ocean Machine (9)
Awake (9.5)
Wake of Magellen (.5)
Facelift (0)
Leitmotif (never heard, have to check it out)
Alive Again (3)
We've Come For You All (haven't heard it, but don't like Anthrax)
Where Moth and Rust Destroy (haven't heard it, but don't like Tourniquet)
Lateralus (2)
Sevendust (0)
Entropia (9.5)
OSI (8.5)
Dead or Dreaming (7.5)

Pretty cool list, Soul of Ice
I might understand giving 7d a 0 cause you dont like the style (still harsh, have you actually heard it?), but Alice in Chains 0?

Are you fucking kidding? Give credit where credit is due.

It seems like we have a very diff view on music, but thats still cool though.
sorry Soul, I don't like Alice in Chains... I like/love most of the albums on your list... i'll admit to not hearing the 7dust album... but I saw them live once... and I hated it... :lol:
I wrote a review of Into Eternity's debut CD in 2001. I gave them a good review and the guys wrote to me. They had no idea where they were going, but were trying to break into the States at the time. I find them interesting...they're intentionally trying to create a new sub-genre. Lots of good talent has come out of Canada.

BTW, good CD list !