my new projects


Dec 21, 2001
not online much so I haven't kept you guys updated...

Peas and Corn
This is my prog-metal project. You see... everyone ASSUMES peas go with carrots but taste and texture wise, corn is a far better companion. That's sort of what we do with the genre. 15 minute solos? We make them 17. On an accordion. A guy who sounds like he's castrated? We went that extra mile and made eunuchs out of entire families for our big operatic moments. Concept albums about mythological tales? We make concept albums *about* concept albums.

I figured out early on that a band who only covers "Separate Ways" by Journey might be a hard sell. So I decided to add in some swashbuckling goodness. Sure, we're only playing the one song but dude PEOPLE ARE WALKING THE PLANK! Johnny Depp and Erroll Finn have yet to answer our membership drive.
I'm thinking of making sePIRATE ways different from the others. Like maybe I'll actually get members at some point.