my new work for opeth

Sorry, I've only just seen this.

Okay, your skill is very good and it looks very good, although it seems a bit unclear somehow... at first I thought it was a road, then I noticed the swan's reflection and thought it was a canal.

But well done. :D
YES, I knew something was wrong. There doesn't seem to be a single focus, somewhere that the eye is drawn to.

This is confusing, replying to the same thread on different forums... :confused: :D
I love the way "Blackwater Park" is written, it's beautiful!
Really touches me! I also like the way the O is put into
the drawing :eek:)

I love the trees as well, but they seem out of place when
you look at the whole picture... They would look
awesome one their own....

And I love the "flowerstuff" (I can't find the right word!!
hehe) that is in the bottom right corner! They way it
leads your eye into the picture... But there is something
missing, the eyecatching thing... Still, the way
"Blackwater Park" is written.... YUM! :eek:)
i simply use a pen to fill in the river [or the lake...] with black. i don't know if you know "Pentel" pens... that's what i use sometimes. with the *.jpg files, you can't see it, but with the real drawing this pen gives you the effect of light mirroring on the waters...

it can't be a road, if you think about the title :)

and the trees, yes, i also feel they are not so good, but when i realized that it was too late, so i had to make the less worst thing i could... and then the hidden presences came to my mind and to the paper...

oh, you say that the eyecatching thing is missing... just like the earcatching guitar riff in the first two opethworks... you agree with me, don't you?
U say there's something missing on the first 2 albums, or did u
mean the other way around? Cuz if u say something bad about
those I might have to fuck you up :eek: :D
well, let me explain: i read an interview where peter said that in the first 2 albums opeth tried to make the listener feeling lost, with so many different riffs in a single song, which appeared just one time and then they suddenly disappear. that's why i talked about "earcatching guitar riffs"... think about the construction of the songs in bwp, it's totally different than in orchid or morningrise
yes, i'm not telling they are bad. i love all the opeth stuff, because that's the greatest music i have ever listened to.

about the O, every time is a challenge...