My Newest Metal Project


Jul 8, 2006
I've never posted in this part of the forum. I just finished recording a song for the band Graveslut. It will be featured on a compilation called, "Underground Rising, Vol.3" that will be available at Best Buy. It was tracked in one day and mixed the next. Let me (and them) know what you think.

It is the first song on my myspace profile (link below).:kickass:
Hey dude, it's hard to judge because of the myspace quality, but I really like the kick and snare, and the guitars have fantastic meat to them, but also sound really muffled. It's funny, I feel the tone fills up the mids amazingly, one of the best I've heard to be honest in how full it sounds, but I really would like more treble/presence to them (though once again, myspace compression :yuk: - use soundclick dude! See my myspace profile, and this thread). Also, you should be thanking me on bended knee for making it through that song with all those pig squeals - good god is the HATRED RISING ARRRGGGGHHHHH. :) Good job overall man!

Oh yeah, and the vocals do sound good, even if I wish every singer like that would be eradicated from the face of the earth.
do the drums clip like hell? Or is that only me hearing ghosts? :D
Like the sound, but I also think the guitars should be a bit "clearer" ... as should be the shouting (in my opinion) but overall very nice ! Apart from that, guitars are very very thick, what is nice :)
And I also hate frog/pig/tazmanian devil noises. ( )

Sounds brutal :rock:
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Thanks guys! Here's me on bended knee thanking you: -> :notworthy

I didn't realize there was so much hatred for the pig squeals. I did enjoy the tazmanian devil video. I think a few of the snare hits (mostly the flams) have a bit of crunch, but I didn't think it was a deal-breaker. Either way it's too late for changes on this one.:goggly: The biggest challenge for me was the guitar mud. These guys tune their guitars to B. Initially I tried to clean it up with a HPF, but it seemed to take away some of the energy and I felt it defeated the purpose of the B tuning, so I decided to keep the mud. The band was happy with the results, so I was happy in the end.

Thanks again for listening everyone!:Smokin: