My newest mix.....and my best one yet!!!


Oct 31, 2005
Here is a mix I just finished up for a band..... I think it sounds really good. My favorite I've ever done by far! I switched to Rest Inside the Flames for a reference in levels and tone somewhat.....But I'd love to hear feedback from everyone here. :headbang:

haha.....and you'd never guess both amps I used, 50 % of each....quad tracked, equal volumes in the mix.

5150: gain-3 | low-6 | mids-9 | high-6 | pres+res-6 |

Ibanez TB100 : gain-3 | low-5 | mids-10 | high-5 |

That Ibanez Toneblaster matched up sooo well with the 5150. I love it personally.:kickass:

- Hear is an updated mix.....I boosted the low frequencies on nearly everything, jacked up the guitars and eq'ed them as well. Bass guitar up a little to.o Sounds really good to me, I backed to back this mix with 36 crazyfists new cd everything sounds fairly close. Especially for what I'm working with!!

yeah, I kinda argee with you. Being that I'm a guitar player, I try to not slam too much guitar into a mix......I try to ease the levels up. That why people don't slam me with "that's a guitar player's mix".:lol:

Yeah, I'll probably bump the guitars up a little bit for the final mix.:headbang:
not bad guitar/vocal wise, but its extremely thin sounding - especially the drums. an overall lack of bass.
funny you say about the bass..... bass guitar right? Or bass eq on drums??

Their guitar player wanted me to turn the bass down, so I did.....but I'm not sure I like it that way.:erk:
Bass/mid frequencies in the drums are pretty none existant, sounds very thin and hollow. Guitars sound ok, but still nothing special imo.
Yepp, I agree to that missing-bottom-end thing + guitars are too low.
Did you mic the drumkit or is it trigger+samples? If it´s the latter I´d try to get a kinda more *bangy* snare, bit like Killswitch is sounding, more body. If it´s miced try to get some more bottom to it via multiband or EQ. The way it is now sounds a bit (bit!) like older Lamb Of God, but it doesn´t really fit to the music I think ^^
Whatever, nice vocal-job!
Yepp, I agree to that missing-bottom-end thing + guitars are too low.
Did you mic the drumkit or is it trigger+samples? If it´s the latter I´d try to get a kinda more *bangy* snare, bit like Killswitch is sounding, more body. If it´s miced try to get some more bottom to it via multiband or EQ. The way it is now sounds a bit (bit!) like older Lamb Of God, but it doesn´t really fit to the music I think ^^
Whatever, nice vocal-job!

ok, I will bring up guitars for sure.....

Only the kick and toms are triggered.

and i'll probably have to put a send on all drum tracks to another bus and boost the bass and mids with an EQ and multiband. Give it some warmth. I see what everyone is saying. THX for the help.:worship:
How far did you go on the high pass with the guitars? As someone already mentioned, the guitars could come up in level a couple dB, and I feel like they lack some low mid body (but that opinion might change when I hear the level come up some more). The bass could come up a little as well, but I think the whole mix could actually use a little more low end. The snare would benefit from a little low end/low mid boost as well.

Overall it's a pretty good solid mix, though. The toms sound great, good tuning job.
- Hear is an updated mix.....I boosted the low frequencies on nearly everything, jacked up the guitars and eq'ed them as well. Bass guitar up a little to.o Sounds really good to me, I backed to back this mix with 36 crazyfists new cd everything sounds fairly close. Especially for what I'm working with!!
