My Newest Mix

sounds like there might be way too much gain on the guitars, it is really broken up. vocals are burried.
Thanks for the response! I'll cut back on the gain and bring up the vocals. What do you mean by broken up?
i think i agree about the gain, not a lot though. it sounds really sick man, very very good job. keep it up. especially the breakdowns are sick.
Thanks a lot man! Here's an updated mix with vocals louder and gain turned down. Let me know if anymore gain needs to be reduced and if anything sticks out to you. Here
guitar sounds alot better dude.

the overall mix sounds pretty dull, dont be affraid of trebble. drums don't sound very polished either.
pick apart the kit and ad in some eq maybe? it still has a very unrefined raw sound to it. which is fine in it's own right for certain styles of music, but imo not this style.

i dont know man, compress and eq every seperate element to the kit
do some parralell compression on the shells
make a reverb buss for the shells
eq eq eq

best advice i can give is read up around here and just practice. i'm sure everyone here has learnt 90% of everything they know in regards to this just by reading, and experimenting.
I agree with Fandus honestly. Be careful of the fuzz. Good song though. Vocals need a little sparkle to it.
What I recommend if you haven't done this already, send Snare, Toms and kick to a Drum Bus and add a decent amount of compression. Snare needs verb too man!
good luck bro

Limit those OH's too, man some parts it sticks out. Try L1 or something, squash it.
Thank you for the suggestions. I had a feeling the whole mix was missing some high end.. any suggestions to maybe give the mix some air? Also what do you suggest to give the vocals a little something extra? I'm running them into a de esser into a 1176 in all buttons mode. I'll start working on what you guys suggested and post an updated version later.
Everything said is pretty much what i was thinking.
Guitars seem a little high in the mix IMO they kinda cover the other stuff.
Keep it goin dude
the stock protools compressor/expander has a vocal levellor preset that i use from time to time. helps maintain a similar level throughout the track, i can hear some parts die down a bit.

deffinetly to the paracomp on the drums shells and verb up that snare as gearman2point0 said.

and yes the mix does need more highend to it. play around with the tracks and see what individual elements need. guitars boost around 5k, highshelf boost the overheads from 8k up. nothings ever certain just play around and see what works and what doesnt.
Updated mix w/ more verb, fixed toms, high shelf on OH's, and other suggestions. I just A/B this with my last mix and there is a total change in energy and high end. Thanks a ton guys if you have anymore suggestions/criticisms please tell me. Here it is. UPDATED