My old band Sound Corruption

Sounds like a pretty cool band underneath the horrible recording quality, the drums are funny as hell sounding.

The melodies are very Sinergy and there's a riff that sounds very Megadeth in Ensemble. Don't like the singer much (from what I can hear) but overall i'd say thats some pretty cool shit.
We were going to record in studio before we parted, but that time came too soon lol. The recordings are really terrible, it sounded great at Jams though. I think I am going to use some of my favorite riffs from that band in my next band, seeming as I wrote all of the music lol.
I wish I could find some good band mates around here... theres no one my age that is skilled enough at drums or any good vocalists around, although I can probably find a rhythm player and a bassist.
Nah, the stuff actually sounds not too bad. I'm not keen on the vocals, but with some semi-decent recording i'm sure it would be something i could see myself listening to.
i must say the riffs are really nice sound like on form in flames on hard drugs! yeah book some studio time when you find a new band and lay these down then repost them itd be great to hear.
Are You Dead Yet? said:
Woah I figured everyone would bash the hell out of it haha. Shitty live recordings but it's the material that counts :)
Your name is are you dead yet :Spin:

i know that my name i what it is but..its like sarcasm..bastardds of bodom..omg lol -.-