my old bands mp3's

cool ..
my first proper band (canvas) have mp3's online, one track from each cd,
over the course of the 3 songs, the sound reminds of neurosis, stampin ground, arkangel, converge, dillinger, botch, meshuggah, refused, a weird sorta combination,
pretty well recognized in the english scene, wondering how many of you guys have heard of/like the songs on the page ..
not bad for a few years ago
(songs between 1997 and 1999/2000)
leper iffinity said:
Anal Gore Terror are very the guy who took your name and used it on soulseek ;)

Hahaha... that's great! :)

But you're the poor bastard who's enduring my terrible transfer speeds... <_< Sorry about that. The Lymphatic Phlegm is good, though... worth the wait.

EDIT: I should clarify... the first LP album you're downloading is decent: The SECOND one is damn good.
Sonicarnal Artist said:
Hahaha... that's great! :)

But you're the poor bastard who's enduring my terrible transfer speeds... <_< Sorry about that. The Lymphatic Phlegm is good, though... worth the wait.

EDIT: I should clarify... the first LP album you're downloading is decent: The SECOND one is damn good.

damn fucking right mate.......two men of the 56k ;)