My OOOONLY complaint about the show:

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
The lighting. I just found it a little boring. *shrugs* I've been at shows where there was NO lighting, so I'm not complaining. Just a smaaaall hint and a possible suggestion for next year (IF... IF...)
you gotta be kidding me. The lighting is fine. I have seen no lighting at shows before. No people are being nitpicky. The Pearl Room has fine lighting. Sure it isnt The House Of Blues or anything, but for what it is a decent place.
No, I'm not kidding you. I just found the lighting boring. my opinion. Like I said, I'm not complaining. I'd just find seeing a doom band live would be cooler with more ambient lighting... it's all in the atmosphere. I don't care if it stays the same or changes, really.
Interesting observation.
One of the things I have been saying to people is how GOOD the lighting is at the Pearl Room. Maybe you are fortunate to have better lighting at the venues in your hometown. As far as Chicago venues go, the lighting at the Pearl Room was pretty darn good. Definitely the best lighting I have seen for a Nov Doom performance.
the lighting rig itself is very good, i think will is just saying that what
was done with it could have been more interesting, correct? joe did
a great job, it's probably more that he did the best job he could being
unfamiliar with the bands and/or the dynamics of their tunes. the
only band that had their own light guy was Thurisaz.
The only problem I had was that I ordered my tickets for will call and they weren't there, so I had to spend another $50 on tickets :(
Definitely worth it though.
As a photographer, I Actually agree with Will... The lighting rig is quite decent but it was porrly used OR sparcely used. I remembered the first night to be a lot better than the second so by The time Martyr hit the stage, I went to see the lighting dude and asked him to do something in the same vein he did for benedictum the night before.

As for the rig itself, there is something that really can't be helped and it's the height of the background lights... they are WAY too low. Other than that, more white frontal spots and maybe a bit of background smoke could make it a LOT better
As a photographer, I Actually agree with Will... The lighting rig is quite decent but it was porrly used OR sparcely used. I remembered the first night to be a lot better than the second so by The time Martyr hit the stage, I went to see the lighting dude and asked him to do something in the same vein he did for benedictum the night before.

As for the rig itself, there is something that really can't be helped and it's the height of the background lights... they are WAY too low. Other than that, more white frontal spots and maybe a bit of background smoke could make it a LOT better

EXACTLY. It's funny you mentioned Benedictum because I went to the guy to ask him to PLEASE use a lot more of the white spotlight type lights that go behind the band and less red lights so that I could do pics without a flash. The guy did a good job for what was given to him and we as photographers know to go ask the lighting tech if there's something more that's needed photo-wise at least. He was nice enough to accomodate as much as he could and I went to thank him after Benedictum's set, too. I don't know if he was used to such an ecclectic lineup (aka wtf to do with some of the bands, hehe). But yes, most places I go have NO lighting whatsoever, so I was glad to just have some!

BTW, my photos will be up soon. I am in the middle of going through 2 shows worth of Dark Tranquillity, Into Eternity and Scar Symmetry pics right now (about 700+), and THEN I can go through the Powerfest ones (about 1000-1100) that can get posted. Not to mention that I will be at BARfest this weekend, too. WHEW.
or you can also have the situation at the PP forum where they like absolutely everything that happens, instead of being honest

What if people are genuinely happy with the lineup, & the extras?
I'm not big on After Forever, or the camera policy from this year forward, but it doesn't detract from rest of the show at all. How does this make one dishonest?

VERY true.....
I love the mindless followers there who have become Jimmy Buffett fans because Glen is one... :lol:

...and some of them may have been Buffet fans long before there was Prog Power.

I would think all of these prog/power/metal fests should help feed off of each other. If you want to rip on the lineups, go ahead, but trying to alienate the "followers" from one event or another serves no purpose other than to set up some little clique at a (sorry Rob, & C-Lo) financially failing Powerfest. Although last year's fest had a better lineup (IMO), I had every intention of making it this year, just to support the cause, and check out the 2 bands I would have been interested in. I wish nothing but the best for this festival, should it be able to continue next year. Flame away bro, do whatever you have to do....
VERY true.....
I love the mindless followers there who have become Jimmy Buffett fans because Glen is one... :lol:

Man don't even get me started. That's a frequent rant of mine to my local buddies. I think Glenn is a nice guy and does have his heart in the right place, but there is WAY too much fucking Glenn dick sucking on the PP forums. Sometimes I just want to call people out on it, then realize there's not much point. However, many of my friends who post to those boards know its there too. We think we're just going to start our own forum up anyway. Theres two or three people on the PP forums that get on my nerves so much, ugh. I won't name them, but its nobody that posts on the Pfest boards. =P

Man don't even get me started. That's a frequent rant of mine to my local buddies. I think Glenn is a nice guy and does have his heart in the right place, but there is WAY too much fucking Glenn dick sucking on the PP forums. Sometimes I just want to call people out on it, then realize there's not much point. However, many of my friends who post to those boards know its there too. We think we're just going to start our own forum up anyway. Theres two or three people on the PP forums that get on my nerves so much, ugh. I won't name them, but its nobody that posts on the Pfest boards. =P


It's true, but of course no one over there will admit it. And you're right, no point to saying anything. ;)

Hey, I got an idea...nevermind starting your own forum, just tell your friends to start hanging out here. ;) Trust me...Chris, John or I would be the first to squash anyone kissing our asses. :p :lol: It's gotten way outta hand over there & makes me want to puke sometimes. :puke:

Plus, as I'm sure you've seen, we don't censor shit over here & welcome all opinions...even those which conflict with our own. ;) :p And we certainly aren't politically correct around here either, which is what I love most! I hate what our society has become...where ppl have become afraid to say what they really feel. FAHK THAT!!!!
Nice to come to a festival's forum that I support 100% and read a thread involving a promoter directly slamming those that post at my forum and slamming me for not allowing freedom of speech.

You are a class act Rob.