My Oydessy Review

Very cool, nicely written and thoughtout. But I disagree with your assement of the title track, I think it an awesome song. If you heard the older albums you would know that Symphony X has always written like that. Its the newer heavier material like on Wicked and King of Terror that and while still holding on to the signature sound they are expanding the Symphony X horizon, in my opinion.

Thanks for the review oh and by the way its DREAM THEATER!!!! LOL

Hmmm, since you appear to be so bothered by symphonic arrangements I'm curious as to what you expected from a symphonic metal band called Symphony X :p And since when do Symphony X have Manowar-type lyrics? Perish the thought! :eek: :eek:
Thanks for the Feedback.

I'm from the UK and over here we spell theater theatre so easy mistake to make.:)

I never really thought about what the name meant to be honest.

You guys like that sort of arrangement in the title track, I personally dont, I almost want to run round the room screaming nooooooooo when that bit comes on, its down to preference.

I think what our differing views shows though is that from what you have said about older stuff, the new stuff will satisfy the older core following of the band but may attract new fans too without alienating the older ones.

We all know bands have to develop and have transitions of sound,some fans dont like it and will get left behind so to speak, personally I think it is a good strong album which you guys will enjoy.

The Manowar reference relates to that song in particular accolade II, which the lyrics are all about standing shoulder to shoulder on the battlefield, thats what came to mind. No offense meant, it was a complimet in a way as its stirring stuff.:)