My Pretty [expensive] Pony


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
for those Democrats that contributed to the Edwards campaign fund, i know you'd like to see where your hard earned dough went.

Edwards' Haircuts Cost a Pretty Penny
WASHINGTON (April 17) - Looking pretty is costing John Edwards' presidential campaign a lot of pennies. The Democrat 's campaign committee picked up the tab for two haircuts at $400 each by celebrity stylist Joseph Torrenueva of Beverly Hills, Calif., according to a financial report filed with the Federal Election Commission.

FEC records show Edwards also availed himself of $250 in services from a trendy salon and spa in Dubuque, Iowa, and $225 in services from the Pink Sapphire in Manchester, N.H., which is described on its Web site as "a unique boutique for the mind, body and face" that caters mostly to women.

A spokeswoman for Edwards' campaign did not respond to requests for comment.

Torrenueva - who specializes in men's haircuts - confirmed in an interview with The Associated Press that Edwards is a longtime client and friend.

"I do cut his hair and I have cut it for quite a while," Torrenueva said. "We've been friends a long time."

Referring to a picture of Edwards published Tuesday in The Los Angeles Times, Torrenueva said: "That's my cut." The stylist said he couldn't vouch for the source of Edwards' haircuts in other photos.

One reason the cost of the cut was so steep even by Beverly Hills standards is that Torrenueva went to Edwards rather than the candidate coming into the stylist's salon a block off Rodeo Drive.

"I go to him wherever convenient," Torrenueva said. He declined to identify where the cuts paid for by the campaign took place.

Campaign records also show the former North Carolina senator's campaign paid $248 on March 1 to the Designworks Salon in Dubuque.
According to Designworks' Web site, the salon and spa features a wide variety of beauty and health services, including massages, facials, body polishes, self tanners, and rosemary mint and Caribbean therapy body wraps.

The salon's owners did not return a call.

Pink Sapphire co-owner Ariana Franggos said the two payments last month- $150 on March 7 and $75 on March 20 - were for doing Edwards' makeup for television appearances. She handles makeup for local television personalities and was referred to Edwards through that connection.

"This poor guy. I'm telling you, I promise he's not in here getting facials and cucumber peels on his eyes or anything," she said.

Edwards, 53, who has made alleviating poverty the central theme of candidacy, has been criticized for building a 28,000-square-foot house for $5.3 million near Chapel Hill, N.C. The complex of several buildings on 102 acres includes an indoor basketball court, an indoor pool and a handball court.

Edwards, who was John Kerry's vice presidential runningmate in 2004, is also the subject of a YouTube spoof poking fun at his youthful good looks. The video shows the candidate combing his tresses to the dubbed-in tune of "I Feel Pretty."

In 1993, Cristophe gave former President Clinton a $200 haircut aboard Air Force One as it sat on the tarmac at Los Angeles International Airport. Late-night comedians and columnists poked fun at the president for the expensive cut.

Associated Press Writer Beverley Wang in Concord, N.H., contributed to this report.
bump... just because i want to know what you guys pay for your haircuts.
bump... just because i want to know what you guys pay for your haircuts.

I don't pay jack!

My friend's father is a barber an' hooks me up with freebies.

That is, if no other customers are around. If they are, then I'm obliged to pay $9.

Oh, and by the way, Edwards is a 24-karat prick.

24-karat, indeed. isnt this the guy that talked about the 'two Americas' in the 2004 presidential race? i wonder which America he's in?

Elizabeth Edwards afraid of neighbor
She has never met `rabid Republican,' but wouldn't be nice
Associated Press

RALEIGH --Elizabeth Edwards says she is scared of the "rabid, rabid Republican" who owns property across the street from her Orange County home -- and she doesn't want her kids going near the gun-toting neighbor.

Edwards, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, particularly recalls the time neighbor Monty Johnson brought out a gun while chasing workers investigating a right of way near his property. The Edwards family has yet to meet Johnson in person.

"I wouldn't be nice to him, anyway," Edwards said in an interview. "I don't want my kids anywhere near some guy who, when he doesn't like somebody, the first thing he does is pull a gun out. It scares the business out of me."

But Johnson defended the occasion he brandished a gun, saying those on his land didn't have the proper approval.

"I use the gun for protection, and I considered that an appropriate time," Johnson said. "Sometimes you have to take drastic measures."

Edwards views Johnson as a "rabid, rabid Republican" who refuses to clean up his "slummy" property just to spite her family, whose lavish 28,000-square-foot estate is nearby on 102 wooded acres.

Johnson, 55, acknowledges his Republican roots. But he takes offense to the suggestion he has purposefully left his property, including an old garage he leases for use as a car shop, in dilapidated condition.

Johnson said he has lived his entire life on the property, which he said his family purchased before the Great Depression. He said he's spent a lot of money to try and fix up the 42-acre tract.

"I have to budget. I have to live within my means," Johnson said. "I don't have millions of dollars to fix the place."

Johnson, who has posted a "Go Rudy Giuliani 2008" sign on a fence just 100 feet from the entrance to the Edwards' driveway, has criticized Edwards for the scale of their nearby home. The property and home, which includes an indoor basketball court, an indoor handball court and an indoor pool, is valued at $5.3 million.

The Edwardses are still putting the final touches on the property, which they purchased in 2003.

"I thought he was supposed to be for the poor people," Johnson said. "But does he ever socialize with any poor people? He doesn't speak to me."

Johnson said he has put his property on the market, in part blaming the high property taxes for his decision to leave. He also wants to move for another reason.

"I don't want to live somewhere where someone's always complaining about me," he said.
24-karat, indeed. isnt this the guy that talked about the 'two Americas' in the 2004 presidential race? i wonder which America he's in?

Ehh, he's in Mao Tse-tung's America.

He's just like the Chairman was, trumpeting poverty-power, people-power, third-world power, into denying people the fruits of their own labor, publicly identifying those who have "too much" (according to him), and classifying people so they can be singled out for destruction as groups.

And, just like Chairman Mao, he lives like an Emperor, surrounded by sumptuous luxury and privilege, and homosexual hair dressers.

So, Edward's vision of Two Americas is like China in the 1960s: His manor and happy hunting grounds, surrounded by a wasteland of want and poverty.

I pay 25 bucks. There is this huge old house that has a ton of hot ass young girls who do hair mostly for women, its a spa place. My little brother went there, and on his recommendation I went cuz he said the girls were hot, and they were. They did a good job cutting hair too. So I pay a premium of 20 dollars to get my hair cut by hot chicks.

But $400 for a hair cut..Edwards hair is...plain and boring. Is it 400 to cover his bald spot? Oh I know, its actually $5 for the cut and $395 for the gay sex the hairdresser provides.
I pay 25 bucks. There is this huge old house that has a ton of hot ass young girls who do hair mostly for women, its a spa place. My little brother went there, and on his recommendation I went cuz he said the girls were hot, and they were. They did a good job cutting hair too. So I pay a premium of 20 dollars to get my hair cut by hot chicks.

But $400 for a hair cut..Edwards hair is...plain and boring. Is it 400 to cover his bald spot? Oh I know, its actually $5 for the cut and $395 for the gay sex the hairdresser provides.

watch yourself. Ann Coulter has a hit out on her, by order of GLAAD, just for insinuating Edwards might be gay.
apparently, they dont want to be associated with him, either.

Hey, Evil's story sounds familiar. A friend of mine pays $30 for a haircut from a traveling Filipino chick. He says its worth the premium to have a sexy woman cut his hair in his house...

Hey, Evil's story sounds familiar. A friend of mine pays $30 for a haircut from a traveling Filipino chick. He says its worth the premium to have a sexy woman cut his hair in his house...


That reminds me of a quote from a classic film, Grandmas Boy.

"You gave all of our rent money to hookers??"


-Moving Guy 1 "Therapists who massage your cock for money."

-Moving Guy 2 " Yeah, there is a name for that, its hooker."

Paid 40$ for a good clipper 10 years ago. Never spent a dime more after that on my cueball... i hate hair...
i pay $60 for a cut and foil every two months. i cant even imagine what would constitute a $400 haircut.
i pay $60 for a cut and foil every two months. i cant even imagine what would constitute a $400 haircut.

Let's break it down:

Hair fairy summoned to Iowa from Hollywood = $344 ($300 economy flight, $44 taxi service)
Just for "styling the hair of the stars" = $122
Just for being John f'in Edwards = $67
Actual hair cut = $11
Tip = $1

Total = $545

Oh, I forgot AIDS Awareness Foudation surcharge = $20 (after all, the execs in that "nonprofit org" also have to get haircut from hollywood fairies at $400 a pop)
And, 6% tax = $33.90

Grand Freakin Total = $598.90

And Edwards Presidential campaign ONLY paid $400? Why, his faithful contributors got a BARGAIN for that haircut! Whoa!

wow $400 to get your hair cut by a fag....:loco:
i actualy went down to a place called sexy scisors, right next to work, recommended by a fellow worker. strippers cuttin your hair while watchin football and drinkin beers. The cut is $25, the girl is $20 and the beer is $2, too bad there was no happy ending. :mad:
wow $400 to get your hair cut by a fag....:loco:
i actualy went down to a place called sexy scisors, right next to work, recommended by a fellow worker. strippers cuttin your hair while watchin football and drinkin beers. The cut is $25, the girl is $20 and the beer is $2, too bad there was no happy ending. :mad:


Just find some "Korean Massage Therapists" for your happy ending. Its standard. It is like they have a gene that is passed down generation by generation, always give the happy ending.
went to the local barber 30 for myself and two older boys.

will go back i like a place that men are men, and just cut hair without a bunch of nonsense, plus it was nice to talk to other ex servicemen such as myself.

but the barber a good ol boy from WV, was talking about his neighbors pig, about how smart this pig was and what commands it could follow.

we he asked the owner about its wooden leg...the owner said, hey a pig that smart you don't eat all at once.
