My purchases for tonight...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
1 6-pack of Stella Artois
1 6-pack of Bass Pale Ale
1 6-pack of Samuel Adams Summer Wheat
1 6-pack of Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat
2 Bottles of Samuel Adams Black Lager
2 Bottles of Samuel Adams Spring White Ale
2 Bottles of Samuel Adams Hefeweizen

A good night shall be had!
Yeah, they don't sell the value assortment out here, or I would get it.

Not sure what I'm gonna hit first. Possibly the Stella. Waiting for my ribs to finish on the grill before I get the beer started. Its all in buckets filled with ice right now.
My mouth is watering by just thinking about Sam Adams.
I'll have some Boston Lager with my dinner, later tonight.
Yeah, I've had spaten original. I dig it.

Very limited to what I can get here though, depends on the week. Its rare that they actually had Bass Ale, which I am currently enjoying.
Haha, how I miss the east coast.

Here, we have State stores. They're moderately sized, but contain CRAP. Never a consistent stock, it always depends on the week. I got lucky this week with the Bass Ale. Bass should be like, a mandatory beer for any store.
Its my beer. For me.

If I were throwing a party, I'd buy some Heineken.

So yeah, drinking one of the Black Lagers now, this is the first I've had of them, and I am really digging it. Its like a really clean lager had sex with a dirty stout.
I'm doing a tour de ireland

i had chicken fajitas tonight. no beer

yesterday i had buffalo wings and a pint of guinness so i guess it evens out
So last night I was walking home after work and there were some people standing on their steps around the corner from my house, and one of them was talking about how it was a dance party and he started beat boxing, and I laughed at them, and then they invited me over. Turns out it was some lady's 24th birthday, and there were only like eight people there, but they were all really awesome, and I had a couple beers (one was Asahi, don't remember what else) and a bunch of vanilla vodka, which one guy had the brilliant idea to mix with coke, and as a result was most undelicious. And I was way shitfaced, but then it was like... I can walk about fifty feet and be home. Hooray for strangers.