My Queensryche Dedicated To Chaos Review


Active Member
May 13, 2007

Dedicated To Chaos

Loud & Proud Records / Roadrunner Records - 2010

Having successfully avoided hearing any audio samples from the album but not online opinions, I didn't know what to expect but had a sinking feeling about Dedicated To Chaos going into my playing of the disc for review.

I came out rather pleasantly surprised for the most part. I think in order to really enjoy the disc, you have to accept that Queensryche as anything resembling a metal outfit is dead and buried. They are now a rock and roll band and this isn't a case of splitting musical genre hairs.

I continue to be amazed that Kelly Gray does a decent job producing the band when he was such a lousy addition as a band member.

I didn't like the "chaotic" design to the interior CD booklet for the album.

As for the music, I really liked the opening track "Get Started". Geoff Tate really sounds pretty good on this album and I'm hoping that it is all him and not some Autotunes stuff going on. "Hot Spot Junkie" was a nice uptempo track.

"Got It Bad" sounded almost like it was intended to be a pop song. And the band hasn't completely left themes behind either, "Retail Therapy" has some decidedly pointed lyrics on society's materialism. The song itself is okay.

The version I got of the album had 3 bonus tracks mixed in among the standard album cuts. "I Believe" and "LUVNU" were both bright spots but "Hard Times" was awful.

I also didn't care for "Broken". A few of the other songs were kind of iffy, but didn't rise to the "I HATE IT" category.

This isn't an album that will thrill longtime fans of the band, of which I consider myself one. But time and the musical interests of the band have moved on and it is either move on with them or move on FROM them.

It is a decent album if you can do the former.

As an aside, I really wish the band would NEVER do another caberet tour ever again. It was beyond embarrassing to see videos of their performances. And while Tate sounds good on this album, he comes off as an embarrassing wanker at times in interviews.

i agree with most of your review and really can't understand the 1 and 2 star reviews this album is getting. i'd say its a solid 3.5 stars out of 5
I think it is a case of people reviewing the band based on the past and not reviewing the album for what it is in the here and now.
I think it is a case of people reviewing the band based on the past and not reviewing the album for what it is in the here and now.

if they dropped "got it bad", "wot we do" and "higher" i think it would be even easier to call it a 3.5 out of 5. those 3 songs are so bad i think it hurts a lot of people's opinions