My rant of the day


Lord of the Whisky
Sep 21, 2002
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I've given up drinking and instead have turned to "all-natural" herbal stimulants. The shit you can buy in convenience stores, I tell you. I find it comforting the way my heart thumps in my chest when I'm trying to sleep now from the excessive ephedra, taurine and caffeine in my blood. To balance it, I've started drinking diet soda.

I had a dream last night that half-the world's population had been rendered sterile overnight. You have no idea how depressing it was when I woke up and realized it was only a dream.

Goatcheese is good. Satanic cheese. Very metal.

I have to go.
Diet soda is poisonous dude, seriously. The artificial sweetener that is put into it (can't remember the name... *racks brain* ) builds up in the brain, and can cause both cancer and strokes. Just thought you'd like to know.

You don't need anything at all to stimulate your mind at all dude. I went from artificial chemicals into natural stuff, and then i thought "Hang on, in both cases, i'm putting something foreign into my body... that can't be good :err: ". I'm learning very slowly that there are other ways to stimulate the mind and body.

Simple things such as music and reading and sometimes visual stimulation can be great door-openers, and trust me, once you get one of those little fuckers open, you'll be swimming in creativity and thoughts you never knew you had in you. Most important thing is to start of by concentrating really hard on what you are doing, such as with music, and basically do the same thing you do with those 'magic eye' picture things, you just relax into it, and it all comes to you. Music is awesome, close your eyes, and after a while you start to realize that it stimulates different colour responses with different styles and timbres of music, there's lines colours and a multitude of things that you simply can't imagine...

I'm healthier than ever, and i'm more open mentally that i ever was taking chemicals... Even just stopping those things smacks you in the face, for while they open doors, they close other passages and thoughts...

...And i gave up drinking a few months ago. It feels good :)
Yes! Aspartame is the one, it builds up in the brain.

It's a terrible thing... considering i just consumed 2 litres of diet lemonade... :err:

No shit. I was trying to figure out if someone had gotten into my account then realized this was a post from damn near 5 years ago.

And I always go through phases where I stop drinking... but I inevitably come back when life becomes gray around the edges.