my rant on compilations


Feb 28, 2003
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why do bands keep feeding the fans the same songs again and again under a different album title and pretty cover?!

Judas Priest "The Chosen Few"
gives us Reading Festival 1975 or early Al Atkins material

Aerosmith "Best Of Love Songs"

how about Paul's Mall boston 1973 or Detroit 1974 or Unplugged official cd and dvd release
Aerosmith is way behind on official dvd releases

still my favorite band-but c'mon man

Essential 3cd compilations

insert band here

only if i read about a band i previously overlooked or not familiar with more than a few songs

Compilations I don't really have a problem with. Particularly for bands I only know a few songs and want to learn more, a greatest hits works wonders. It's what has turned from me front a casual fan to lifelong supporter of bands like Kiss, Great White, Queensryche, Ratt, Max Webster and countless others. The idea that we'll throw the songs you know together with others you don't is a great building block to delving into a band's back catalog.

My problem is with reissues. Repackaging an album I already own with 2 new unreleased songs. Why not put all those unreleased songs together like Dream Evil did into a "new" album? That way I can save myself putting the exact same songs on my shelf twice, and it doesn't anger fans who bought the album the first time only to get "ripped off" by not getting everything they paid full price for.
Compilations I don't really have a problem with. Particularly for bands I only know a few songs and want to learn more, a greatest hits works wonders.

Agree. And I still have some bands on compilation only and works for me.

My problem is with reissues. Repackaging an album I already own with 2 new unreleased songs. Why not put all those unreleased songs together like Dream Evil did into a "new" album?

Also agree. I bought the Judas Priest remasters at the time and also the Castle reissues of Iron Maiden, but after that was enough! I don't buy any more reissues or even remasters if I already own a copy of the album.
that aerosmith compilation you named is not endorsed by the band. geffen records released it to make some money off of tyler being on idol.
I have a TON of compilation albums so I have nothing against them. The reissues are meant for new fans (and I was once a new fan myself) so they can discover old bands. Without compilations I never would have discovered Jethro Tull, Uriah Heep and many others.
Without compilations I never would have discovered Jethro Tull, Uriah Heep and many others.

Very true. I was there too before.

But nowadays with Internet mostly any music can be discovered and assessed so there's no point in wasting time, money and raw materials to print compilations. I think bands should promote their music digitally via the Net and offer for purchase the new music (reissues) in CDs.

I know it's an utopia and I'm living on the wrong side of the times.
compilations aren't that bad, they can be pretty useful for someone new to a band, thought I never buy any

they are even more useful when a band only released 3-4 albums that are now out of print and expensive and the compilation includes more than half of the bands recorded material