my review of ST ANGER

Jan 8, 2002

Well, let me get into it a bit more... Shitty production, guitars aren't loud enough...Drums sounds like shit...James' voice has lost all its anger that the earlier albums had... A shitty attempt at being a metal band again. What happened to all those great riffs they used to make??? I have finally given up all hope on Metallica. I wish i didn't spend my money on this!


NP: Trying to make my way through this whole disc. Trust me, its difficult
damn yeah, this is sad..
what a shitty album
sounds like nu-metal! (not that i have anything against nu-metal)
the really sad thing is that they said that the album going to sound like Meshuggah and it doesn't even sound like metal.

just to know that they are so sucks makes me feel that i can't enjoy any of they're stuff anymore
(although i know i can enjoy the old stuff :p )
I still don't understand why does it bother you so much?? Ok, so they mde another shitty album, but it's one in a million of other shitty albums made by other "artists".
Maybe things would've been different if their name wasn't "Metallica". Now, it's an offence to metal in general.
Eramaajarvi said:
I still don't understand why does it bother you so much?? Ok, so they mde another shitty album, but it's one in a million of other shitty albums made by other "artists".
Maybe things would've been different if their name wasn't "Metallica". Now, it's an offence to metal in general.

very simple...
it doesn't bother me, i knew it's gonna be another metallica shitty album..
but hye, it doesn't mean that i wont say what i'm thinking about this album, and this is the reason that this thread made.. for the opinion of people.

and yeah, maybe things could be different if the name of the band wasn't metallica but my problem specific with metallica now is that they promise that they're going to be heavy and sound like meshuggah and more shitty stupid things like that, and guess what?
they have one awful riff that remind a bit meshuggah riff, and this is all, all the talking was lies (or maybe they are stupid?!)
i dont know anyway, they are deserve to criticism like that.

*and pleas god, no more stupid albums by metallica*
We were talking about this earlier.....It is sad but true, Metallica is a pathetic excuse for "metal" on Television, but they are making the big bucks....

I wish they stuck to their roots.....I guess as they aged and got more sober, their music got shittier....
I mean, the song, St.Anger...all I can hear are drums and some pathetic excuse for vocals. Guitars seem to be there just to make some noise in the background, bush sounds or whatever. Lars' big fat ego...and I have a feeling Trujilo has something to do with it too. There's something about his attitude I don't like...