my singing...

Well, to be brutally honest...

Your vocals are so low that they're actaully kinda silly. I heard a higher shrieky voice in there somewhere. That would be better overall. And the music is melodic to a degree, so clean vocals wouldn't hurt.

Just my opinion.
and i could swear there's aother band called born headless... but i think its safe to assume you've already checked that and its most likely a song title.
oh, don't over-react with the vocals, take these guys' advice very lightly, i really liked them, i htought they fit the style well and i suggest no changes.
alrighty, I should have checked back more to see replies, I wouldn't usually try and justify myself or make excuses but the orginal theme of the thread was the vocals and they're mine and I know they're average...

I most defiantly know of Cryptopsy and their song but I myself has nothing to do with the choice (as killer a song as it is its a little too famous to use as a band name in my opinion but it works well), I only joined the band just before the recording of the album, I hadn't done vocals consistently for a for well over a year by this stage.

When we went in I only had lyrics to 4 songs out of about 11 and we wrote the vocal patterns and lyrics on the spot. We'd write the song, we'd rush out to the shed, record it, rush back into the house, write the next song etc... I'd have been much happier with more time.

Also the other members wanted a more low style of singing for the recording not one with complete resonance, more gurgles, rasps, crickets and weird shit.

Some of the screaming on there isn’t me but my guitarist…

Gotta head off I’ll go into more detail another time if anyone cares

Chaveta: I’ll have to email you tommorow or pm you on here, outta time

here's another track, the vocals are all me on this one

Born Headless 'Scalps of Scythia'