My song

If you want more views then you should make topics like "Free Sex pictures of COB" or something like that. ;)
But I have nothing better to do now, so I give your song a chance. Feedback from me is coming soon.
Ok, I listened to it. Well, the song didn't blow me away and I didn't find it spectactular. Some parts were good but all in all it was boring and maybe too long.
Did you try to put many different elements into that song? Maybe it's better to do shorter songs of 3 minutes instead of one longer song. At least I wouldn't get bored too fast. :)
Many diff elements? Do you mean the feeling of the song or what? Or do you mean too many diff riffs? :)lol: diff riffs)

This might help you understand the song (it's still under construction too, I am adding bass and will add drums if I get a program that's able to):

It's about a guy contemplating suicide, but his girlfriend tries to talk him out of it. She convinces him to start a trip down memory lane before he pulls the trigger. The two distorted guitars and the bass are his negative experiences (which are the only things he remembers about his life because of his depression) and the clean one is his positive experiences (his girlfirend is helping him remember). As you can see, the bad outweighs the good. In the outro only her memory of him remains...

And... what was boring about it Zarok? I'm always open to advice.
Originally posted by Stun
Many diff elements? Do you mean the feeling of the song or what? Or do you mean too many diff riffs? :)lol: diff riffs)
Yeah, it's both. The diff riffs ( ;) ) and the feelings. I don't like it when these feelings change in this way. I think it doesn't fit. Maybe you should make two songs out of this one?
Originally posted by Stun
And... what was boring about it Zarok?
I'm bored when the riffs and melodies are repeated because I don't think they are that good that I must hear them twice. When I hear them for the first time I feel that I don't need to hear them for a second time again. (Even I understand the story of the song and I know that it's necessary that it must get repeated.) It's not very exciting to me and I feel that I know what's coming next. Songs should be surprising.

These are the negative things about it. But I must say that the arrangements are pretty good.
Originally posted by Stun
I'm always open to advice.
Well, I can't tell you how to make your song sound better. I mean your song is much better than any song I could ever write, I think. I can't write songs. Ok, I never tried it. But I don't think that the world needs songs made by me.