Originally posted by Oyo
I hate highschool car sound systems. Everyone I ride with fucking blasts shitty ass "YOU DA HOE" rap all over with the windows down, I feel embarassed being seen in the car with that.
Originally posted by Trapped
I used to drive everywhere with MARTYR blasting out my stereo, but my driving because incredibly reckless and unsafe...so i gave it up. It's funny when you get something like ATHEIST with lots of cool bass lines, and everyone else in the car is like "Wow man, this is so cool, it's like Korn, theres so much bass!!"... ha ha, then the guitars come in and kick EVERYONE's ass.
Sure, he can play 'really fast', but, where's it all going? It's utter shite. The guitarists are playing really simple, but they use a ton of effects. Get's a good sound, but it's moreso an engineer doing the work (Was it you that this argument came from? hahah)
Originally posted by Trapped
Yeah ha ha. It was me that used that argueament against them. Actually, i don't mind the band, they were fairly much the originators of that style, and they have got some 'interesting' ideas, such as the weirdass bit in the middle of Freak On A Leash, and their first album is half-decent... Divine!!!! I just hate the rapping, and the lack of guitarskills.