my super suckeh song

The Burning Darkness

King of the Obvious
Jul 10, 2002
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Beware the final curtain call
For once this veil of shadows fall
We won’t live to see another dawn

Cataclysmic total devastation
Mass genocide, sweet annihilation
The age of man was just a passing phase

Death is imminent
There is no escape
For mankind it’s far too late
In the distance I see the gates
Blackened, rusted tomb infernal
The cursed pit burns eternal

We can’t deny
We’re cursed to live our lives in hell
In the name of god I cry
Put an end to this bitter spell

In the name of god I deny
The name of god…
I deny

There’s really no excuse
This game of life we were certain to lose
The constant gamble between life and death
We’d wager our dying breath

And just before we die
Behold like a star
Streaking ‘cross the sky
Our nuclear death machine has come to carry us home

Straight to hell!

ok its over no longer need to burden your eyes with my crap
lizard> that's great, so there is this band in Germany Die Doofen, they are completely non-metal, but amazing, dorky hairdo's, slippers, glasses and the verses are amazing. :D
and here we have a band of the name kinda Motherfuck's, kinda, Pas Maters, formed in the era of The Kinks, I guess. :err:

The Burning Darkness> so, please, what's the name of the song, and how do you perform it, as it's a song, on an acoustic guitar, on the piano, singing "into" your own chin or how? :D :) if you have some more, PM me, m'kay?

n/p Soul Asylum: Runaway Train or how was it at all
e, jebiga, ne živim ja preko bare. :rolleyes: :D that was the first thing that crossed my mind, tho bitches???!!! :guh: amazing, you think well, now that I think about it. I don't care, I've never learned English anyway, I'm self-educated Gepetto. :D thanks for the lesson.
it has no title at the moment, been thinking of one for it.

as to how its played, i'm not sure, i'm leaning towards a melodic death sound, but the beginning i want some acoustics and clean vocals....then it gets all brutal and ROAR!

gotta write the music to it, gonna show it to a few buddies who wanna start a band (i'm learning bass).

its my only song at the moment, i have maybe 2 others completed but thats on paper and i kinda lost em.

i'm hard at work making new lyrics.