My take on PPV...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
As always, Glenn runs the best festival in Metal. I will continue to buy my Gold Badges blind, as I have every confidence that Glenn will continue to put together killer shows.

The crowds at ProgPower couldn't be better. Every person I've ever run into (this was my 4th year), couldn't be cooler. It's such a blast to be able to talk music with people who know their shit.

The bands:

Into Eternity - in a word, disappointing. They weren't bad mind you, they just weren't as good as I was expecting them to be. I've been waiting to see these guys for a while now, and they just didn't pull it off like I thought they would. Largely, I attribute this to two factors; too many new members and a limited sound check. I thought the new singer did an excellent job.

Dreamscape - their CD bores me to tears and I had no interest in hearing their music live.

Tad Morose - f**king amazing! These guys kicked my ass from one side of the venue to the other. IMO, the band of the festival.

Kamelot - solid. After seeing their PPII performance, I was expecting more. They are a good band, who sounds tight live, but just lacks the raw energy and intensity that's required to be a great live band.

Savatage/Taj Mahal/WoMD/A Night with Jon Oliva - yawn. Easily the worst performance I've witnessed at PP since Dan Swano sat down with his lyrics on a stand in front of him and performed Nightingale music with all the energy of a dead trout.

Adagio - when they were first announced, I was excited to see them. The loss of their vocalist tempered my excitement dramatically. I watched the first 1.5 songs and then headed to the bar.

Wuthering Heights - see Dreamscape.

Brainstorm - f**king amazing. These guys, along with Tad Morose, made the festival for me. Andy is one hell of a front man.

Pain of Salvation - their performance at PPIII was lackluster. At the time, I attributed this to the fact that they had to follow Blind Guardian's 1st NA appearance, the venue emptied out after BG, it was freezing in the venue, and Daniel had just flown half way across the globe to perform and was a little under the weather. As it turns out, this music just isn't what I want to hear live. I respect what these guys do, but their music (in my opinion) is better suited for CD than it is for concert.

Edguy - I wasn't feeling all that good at the beginning of the night, and was feeling that much worse by the time Edguy took the stage. I tried to tough it out (I was third row when they took the stage). But about half way through their set, I needed to bail and watch from the seats. That being said, it seemed like Tobias lacked the energy that he displayed at PPIII. I also felt as though the constant audience participation, the drum solo, the mic/voice problems, the forgetting of lyrics, a less than spectacular set list and having two different guest vocalist, kept the show from ever building the momentum that their PPIII performance built. That being said, I'm just so impressed with Jens Ludwig. This guy is total energy on stage. He's relentless. He's also a fantastic showman and a heck of a guitar player.

I'm sure plenty of folks will disagree to some degree or another with some (or all) of my perspective. That's cool... different strokes for different folks. See you all next year.

I agree. Brainstorm and Tad Morose are both new bands for me but they blew me away with their performances. I am definately going to be getting a lot more Brainstorm and Tad Morose in my metal diet from here on out. The Brainstorm guys were all very friendly to everyone partying at the Fairfield after the show.

I had never listened to Wuthering Heights before and I think that I *might* enjoy listening to them on cd but couldn't get into their live show because I kept thinking of Spinal Tap. The singer had no stage presence and he seemed lost when he wasn't singing. The bass player looked like a dwarf in a skirt, which immediately put me into a 'Lord of the Rings' mind-set which made the drummer an Elf. And the keyboard player was sucked straight out of Duran Duran circa 1983. I'm not one to bash on appearances normally but the hilarity of the situation kept me from enjoying their set.

Death-metal vocals really aren't my thing so I didn't really give Into Eternity a chance once they started growling into their mics and I kind of feel guilty about that because I kept running into and chatting with the guitarist throughout the weekend and he was such a cool dude. Not at all what I expected from his stage presence. I guess I'll have to buy one of their cds and give it an honest listen someday soon.

To sum it up there were surprises and disapointments but I wouldn't trade the weekend for anything and I'll definately be back next year.
My review is not too far from Zod's really.

Into Eternity - I thought they were ok. They had energy, but some of the chops didn't come accross as clean as they could have and the vocals were ok, but not great to me. They were reasonably enjoyable though.

Dreamscape - The drummer absolutely ripped, but there seemed to be a lack of energy, from the other members.

Tad Morose - THE BAND I wanted to see the most and they surpassed my high expectations. Urban Breed is an awesom front man and the whole band had energy to spare. The set list was also a good one, despite having a shorter slot.

Kamelot - I have no opinion of their performance as I was schmoozing with the Tad Morose guys as well as other TM fans.

Savathingy - I really enjoyed the classics and Jon worked his tail off, but I wasn't particularly crazy about all of his new stuff. I think that style may take a while to digest.

Adagio - They were really pretty good considering the vocalist has been with them for only three weeks.

Wuthering Heights - This was my total surprise of the festival. I thought they were tight and the music was very interesting. I am going to give these guys more of a serious listen.

Brainstorm - These guys abslotely ripped. I put these guys just a hair below TM as the best band at the show. Andy is a great frontman, and like the TM gang, they had energy to spare.

Pain of Salvation - I have given this band many listens, but I just don't "get" them. I watched very little of them.

Edguy - Lots of cheese, but with the exception of a few moments, they were very entertaining. Tobias is a nut.

I'll add my thoughts, since I seem to disagree with some ;-)

# Into Eternity - they didn't make a huge impact on me, but they had an interesting mix of death, prog and power styles that made them stick out.

# Dreamscape - I was rapt! I'd never heard of them before, but their prog rhythms got me excited. Nice that they were handing out a free sampler CD too :) (It's just a shame that their website says about them wanting to create an individual sound, since they sound just like Vanden Plas in my opinion)

# Tad Morose - did nothing to hold my attention, I'm not sure what other people saw in them. The only time my ears pricked up was when it sounded like the singer mentioned Games Workshop in the intro to a song! (I'm one of them games-geeks...)

# Kamelot - a polished performance, that made me reconsider them - I was disappointed with one of their older albums I have, but maybe I'll get their latest effort.

# Jon Oliva's Pain/Weapons of Mass Destruction - we stuck through some of this, but it seemed very shouty and noisy (I hope the original wasn't like that), and I was tired out, so we snuck out after a while.

# Adagio - so, they came on stage, and it took me a while, but they seemed familiar... and then I realised half of them were the guys who had been on my flight on Thursday, and who I'd been chatting to without even realising they were in a band. Doh! They played an intriguing set of neo-classical prog. The guitarist seemed a bit overly technical at times, but we enjoyed the interplay between guitar, bass and keyboards.

# Wuthering Heights - frankly comical, and not in a good way. The bassist looked like Gimli in a skirt, the keyboardist was straight from a New Romantic band, and the singer acted like a hunchback. Musically uninspired, and rather sloppy playing.

# Brainstorm - They put on an exciting and energetic show, while their singer Andy wanted to get everyone involved, jumping off the stage to go and shake hands with the guys in the wheelchair section, continuing singing while walking through the press section at the front of the crowd. Great fun.

# Pain of Salvation - our main reason for going to the event, and they did not disappoint. They had let themselves in for a challenge by playing a setlist of songs voted for by fans on the web, and hadn't played some of the songs recently, or even much at all. But this didn't seem to stop them making a superb performance, with perhaps just a few forgotten lyrics from Daniel (which the crowd were happy to remind him of). They stuck out from the rest as a truly original band, and I feel privileged to have seen one of their rare live appearances. (And Kristoffer was much cuter than Daniel, so ner)

# Edguy - another lively show, trying to get the audience involved right from the start (though I wonder if they were overdoing the participation thing just a bit). They have that instant powermetal impact... so it's sad to admit that I was dozing off during their show. I was enjoying it, but was just worn out, so once again we snuck out early.
Into Eternity - thought they did well considering most of the band were newbies, and it's always got to be nerve wracking to start a festival. They started off a bit rough around the edges (crappy snare drum sound, etc), but the PA guys must have noticed this and fixed it because they started kicking ass at around the third song in with a much improved sound delivery.

Dreamscape - er, no. I mean, what the heck is this all about.

Tad Morose - Great! Reminded me of the energy Edguy brought with them back at PPIII. Very tight and obviously enjoying themselves, feeding off the crowd.

Kamelot - So when did George Michael join the band? I dunno, I couldn't get past the PVC skin tight outfits, trendy stubble beards, and girly 'fading in and out' vocals. So much better on CD than they are live....although they probably jumped the shark on Epica. Also, I was a bit disappointed that they rely so much on the fill-in keyboard player.

An audience with Jon Oliva - would have been better had he *started* with the Savatage songs.....I do remember waking up for "Gutter Ballet" though. Nice that Caffrey took both solos. I guess they could have played some more from GB and HotMK, their best two albums.

Adagio - I really wanted to like them based on some of the hype, but I guess it didn't work out....the music (not necesarilly the performance) just felt emotionLESS.

Wuthering Heights - Beer time.

Brainstorm - STOLE THE SHOW. Finally, a band took the stage on day 2 that didn't sound I mean, this is a heavy metal show, right? Finally, some metal with balls.

Pain of Salvation - I remember them back at PPIII. Heh, I guess that's two strikes...I can totally appreciate why others like them so much. Just not for me.

Edguy - Although they were fun as always, the hunger from PPIII seemed to be lacking. I guess it was the other tourdates in the US, and the fact that the excitement of playing to an American crowd now might have worn off. No fancy stage set up, and Tobias didn't really seem to sing with much conviction either. Jens Ludwig carried the band. I liked the set list -- "Wake up the King" was probably a highlight -- but the new material fails IMO. The "Hellfire Club" album was a step down for me so that material doesn't carry over very well. I dunno, maybe it's just my limey sense of humoUr, but songs like "Lavatory Love Machine" just serve to remind how Germans aren't exactly well known for their comedy. Overall, they made a good finisher because at least they kept the crowd awake. It's nigh impossible to follow a band like Edguy, unless you're another seriously powerful tier 1 band like Opeth or Iced Earth.

In order of preference:

1. Brainstorm
2. Edguy & Tad Morose
3. Into Eternity
4. The last 30 minutes of Jon Oliva
5. Hanging out 'cos the PP festival isn't always about the music
I'll throw out my opinions too;

Into Eternity - I thought were pretty good. I don't mind death vocals at all. The band I'm in uses them sometimes so I can't complain :). They played Splintered Visions and that was the one song I wanted to hear live aside from Selling God. I thought it a bold move to have them open up the show but there were a lot of people into them, moreso than a couple of the more traditional progmetal bands at III. I think maybe having Mercenary last year opened up the minds & ears of some PP attendees.

Dreamscape - I thought sounded better live than on disc, added a more raw and heavier vibe to them. I had the new disc prior to the show and picked up Very after their set. I enjoyed them. Somehow during the signings after their set someone made off with my program that had all the autographs in it and I ended up with just Dreamscape's autographs in whomever else's program I ended up with. I was talking about it with Metal Rose at the time and I think the dude next to me ened up with mine.

Tad Morose - Friday night headliners! They took the ball and ran with it. Amazing from start to finish. They played Anubis which is my favorite song and that made my night. A tough act to follow.

Kamelot - I feel for these guys. They played a great set, a lot of my personal favorites and they just seemed boring after seeing Tad Morose. Being in a band I know what it's like to follow somone who just smoked the joint, it sucks. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Kamelot fand and I thought they were great, they just have a greatly different live vibe than Tad Morose. I look forward to seeing Kamelot as many times as I can in the future. Living in Florida this was the first time I got to see them live.

:::Midnight my friend, if you're off the wagon, you need to get back on, if you're on the wagon get off. I know you still have the pipes but if all the rumors have been true for these past years then you're wasting away your talent for nothing. Moderation, please look it up and bring your fans some kick ass performances and new material:::

"Savatage" - I was hoping this wouldn't be the same set as the Criss Oliva memorial show and I was happy it wasn't a carbon copy. Zakk having his accident and being unable to show up p[retty much squished our chances of hearing "Chance" live and to me, the only downer of that set. Jon's stuff is great and I can't wait for the album to come out. Opening with my favorite Savatage track of all time "City Beneath the Surface" was awesome! The man can still sing. They were funny, entertaining and put on a great show.

Adagio - I like the albums, but they bored me live. I skipped out for a signing after a bit.

Wuthering Heights - I missed part of the set, but I like these guys. They seem like the cool drinking-metal band you'd love to hang out with all the time. I think they all shoulda wore kilts ;) maybe kilts and 80s metal shirts ranging fromt he keyboardist's Europe shirt to Cinderella. HAHA, I thought they did well.

Brainstorm - When Tad Morose took the ball and ran with it Friday night, Brainstorm stripped it and kept it for themselves. These guys were worth ticket price alone. Great set, presence, humor and just plain f^#!ing cool guys. It would be a crime if these guys weren't repeaters at PP like Evergrey. What a joy to talk to and everything about these guys oozed class. I hope from a behind-the-scenes standpoint they were a joy to deal with for Glenn so we can see more of them and their other projects.

Pain Of Salvation - I don't like their music so I did not see their set. 9/10 bands is pretty damn good so don't crucify me for not liking these guys. I gave them a shot at III and a shot before V and they just don't do it for me. Sorry POS if you're reading this, but you can't please everyone.

Edguy - I thought the set was perfect. Perfect??!?! Yes, perfect. Mistakes happen, lord knows I;ve forgotten lyrics at shows a few times, I thought it added to the whole experience. These guys ENTERTAINED us and that's what it's all about. I thought the best part of the show was when the drummer messed up and they all turned around and stared at him and started laughing. I can relate to that, I loved it. I'm still waiting for these guys to rip into a sweet Maiden cover to close the set with.. like Die With Your Boots On. Tobias reminds me of Bruce a lot at times with his vocals.
All the bands kicked ass!! Weapons were my fave. I did not get into Tad Morose and Brainstorm like some others. The music is too old school for my taste. Kamelot put on a great set the fans reacted great to them. POS was killer too, why do people care about Daniel's shirt? How cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is a vocal god!


Creeps said:
I'll throw out my opinions too;

Into Eternity - I thought were pretty good. I don't mind death vocals at all. The band I'm in uses them sometimes so I can't complain :). They played Splintered Visions and that was the one song I wanted to hear live aside from Selling God. I thought it a bold move to have them open up the show but there were a lot of people into them, moreso than a couple of the more traditional progmetal bands at III. I think maybe having Mercenary last year opened up the minds & ears of some PP attendees.

Dreamscape - I thought sounded better live than on disc, added a more raw and heavier vibe to them. I had the new disc prior to the show and picked up Very after their set. I enjoyed them. Somehow during the signings after their set someone made off with my program that had all the autographs in it and I ended up with just Dreamscape's autographs in whomever else's program I ended up with. I was talking about it with Metal Rose at the time and I think the dude next to me ened up with mine.

Tad Morose - Friday night headliners! They took the ball and ran with it. Amazing from start to finish. They played Anubis which is my favorite song and that made my night. A tough act to follow.

Kamelot - I feel for these guys. They played a great set, a lot of my personal favorites and they just seemed boring after seeing Tad Morose. Being in a band I know what it's like to follow somone who just smoked the joint, it sucks. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Kamelot fand and I thought they were great, they just have a greatly different live vibe than Tad Morose. I look forward to seeing Kamelot as many times as I can in the future. Living in Florida this was the first time I got to see them live.

:::Midnight my friend, if you're off the wagon, you need to get back on, if you're on the wagon get off. I know you still have the pipes but if all the rumors have been true for these past years then you're wasting away your talent for nothing. Moderation, please look it up and bring your fans some kick ass performances and new material:::

"Savatage" - I was hoping this wouldn't be the same set as the Criss Oliva memorial show and I was happy it wasn't a carbon copy. Zakk having his accident and being unable to show up p[retty much squished our chances of hearing "Chance" live and to me, the only downer of that set. Jon's stuff is great and I can't wait for the album to come out. Opening with my favorite Savatage track of all time "City Beneath the Surface" was awesome! The man can still sing. They were funny, entertaining and put on a great show.

Adagio - I like the albums, but they bored me live. I skipped out for a signing after a bit.

Wuthering Heights - I missed part of the set, but I like these guys. They seem like the cool drinking-metal band you'd love to hang out with all the time. I think they all shoulda wore kilts ;) maybe kilts and 80s metal shirts ranging fromt he keyboardist's Europe shirt to Cinderella. HAHA, I thought they did well.

Brainstorm - When Tad Morose took the ball and ran with it Friday night, Brainstorm stripped it and kept it for themselves. These guys were worth ticket price alone. Great set, presence, humor and just plain f^#!ing cool guys. It would be a crime if these guys weren't repeaters at PP like Evergrey. What a joy to talk to and everything about these guys oozed class. I hope from a behind-the-scenes standpoint they were a joy to deal with for Glenn so we can see more of them and their other projects.

Pain Of Salvation - I don't like their music so I did not see their set. 9/10 bands is pretty damn good so don't crucify me for not liking these guys. I gave them a shot at III and a shot before V and they just don't do it for me. Sorry POS if you're reading this, but you can't please everyone.

Edguy - I thought the set was perfect. Perfect??!?! Yes, perfect. Mistakes happen, lord knows I;ve forgotten lyrics at shows a few times, I thought it added to the whole experience. These guys ENTERTAINED us and that's what it's all about. I thought the best part of the show was when the drummer messed up and they all turned around and stared at him and started laughing. I can relate to that, I loved it. I'm still waiting for these guys to rip into a sweet Maiden cover to close the set with.. like Die With Your Boots On. Tobias reminds me of Bruce a lot at times with his vocals.
I'll second on most of what Creeps has to say......... Except that I think that Brainstorm didnt strip the ball from TM, I think they equally scored a touchdown at the same time. Both took the festival. Speaking of touchdowns, Sorry Pain of Salvation, your show was time for to go down to the Vinyl and watch the Florida & Tennesse football game. I missed the entire PoS set. The Savatage set was fantastic and loved the new Jon Oliva material was very good. Dreamscape,Edguy,&Kamelot did not disappoint me. I did not expect much from IntoEternity & Adagio and was supprised as they did better then I expected. Wuthering Heights was my only real let down. I have 2 of their CD's and was waiting for more and never really got it. I leave the clothing comments alone since they seem to have been covered enough.

Overall though.....Great!! Already cant wait for next year's show.... Great Job again Glenn !
Okay... remembering:

Into Eternity - I liked them a lot, and it's cool to see growling mixed with screaming so well. Good riffage, damned technical, excellent drumming, good show. But the fact that over half the band was still green, it was a bit odd. Their bass player is a badass adrenaline headbanging demon on stage!

Dreamscape - Very good, but too technical and too detailed for me to catch and hold on to. But watching the drummer was hellacool. You could tell he was concentrated 100% on his work. Good material, but I like a bit of rock n' roll along with my virtuoso musicianship as well.

Tad Morose - Hot damn. Gooooood stuff. Really got my neck warmed up and loosened for the rest of the weekend's headbanging.

Kamelot - AAAaaahhh! FINALLY got to see these guys live! I didn't realise that Kahn was such a tall dude. Casey Grillo is a MACHINE back there on the drums! Tight as all hellafuck, such perfect timing and never skipped a beat. Great songs. Was fuckin PISSED when they didn't play The Fourth Legacy, but hey... they still gave me what I needed.

Savathingie - Damn funny curtain show by Jon! I was loving it! Didn't really care for the Pain stuff, but once Doc and Chris jumped up there, definitely cool. I wish I knew more of their catalog, but I never really got turned on to Savatage back in the day. Heh heh... Hall of the Mountain King.... AAH!!! AAH!!! Great stuff. And for a big fat dude, Oliva is fuckin action-packed on stage! Great to see!

Adagio - Not too bad. Didn't really grab me, but I enjoyed it.

Wuthering Heights - I loved Madding Crowd. Great celtic metal. I am quite fond of gaelic and irish folk music, love the bagpipes, and love good ol' storytelling music. I knew these guys had to be an eccentric bunch of guys, but whoah!!! Just too weird for me. Singer needs to keep his shirt on, and STAND UP STRAIGHT! Bass player IS indeed Gimli, drummer is Celeborn, and black-clad guitarist is definitely of viking bloodline. But I couldn't get over the cheese. I still like their music.

Brainstorm - I KNEW THESE MUTHAFUCKAS WERE GONNA KICK MY ASS!!! I TOLD YOU ALL! I TOLD MY DETROIT BUDDIES THEY WERE GONNA KICK ALL KINDS OF ASS, BUT DID THEY BELIEVE ME? OH NOOO!!! Bad-fuckin-ass. I took so many pics, and ran around the floor to get every angle possible. Hellacool song selections. That.... was the definition of FUCKING METAL.

Pain of Salvation - Snore. Yes, they're great musicians and great songwriters. Daniel has a tremendous flexible voice. But their songs are just so fuckin depressing! So sad and lonely and bland and down! I can't listen to music like that! I need music that wakes my ass up, gets my blood pumping, puts a grin on my face, and makes me say "Yeah baby!" This whole introverted, self-exploratory, overemotional stuff just dulls my senses. Sorry y'all. I actually did find my head nodding along to some points, and enjoyed watching them work their craft, but I cannot get into the music itself.

Edguy - THE FUNNIEST SHOW I'VE EVER SEEN! Toby heckled me! It was great! Felix and Eggi just STOPPED! Simultaneous brain fart! Timo having no idea what he's singing and still sounding badass! Jens is a fuckin adrenaline junkie on stage! Tobias is definitely a goofball, but man oh man is he fun to watch on stage! And when he points to the crowd, it's like he's throwing the shotput! Never got a chance to share a beer with Eggi this time. Oh well... next tour. Heh heh. The greatest power metal band ALIVE!!!

We need an Edguy-Brainstorm-Tad Morose American Tour!!!

Looking at these posts, it seems to me that a lot of you found the Wuthering Heights set very cheesy or even comical.

Well, that's the truth right there - the band knew that they already would stand out from the rest of the bands at PP judging by the music alone, so they also decided to add an element of fun to it all - to go all the way with it.

One guy called it Spinal Tap, which doesn't surprise me, since this is Erik Ravn's favorite movie :)

The Lords Of The Ring comments are also quite cool, since the music at many times in reviews has been called the soundtrack to LotR - not that Erik would ever try to write such an album though... And yeah, Morten (drums) do look like Legolas, hehe.

Drinking metal band was another comment, and I can guarentee you that these guys loves to drink (as do their stupid manager) :)

The plan was actually that Nils Patrik was also supposed to wear a kilt, but unfortunately he didn't have one made in time for the show :-(((( Thus, only Teddy appeared in one.

As for Andreas (keyboards) wearing his romantic pop meets gothic dress - well yeah, he's a funny dude, that loves his glam metal, hehe.

The overall thing however is that the band did make an impression on you guys with their looks and stage presence (be it good or bad), and that makes me happy. Thanks for all the comments and pictures, they are REALLY appreciated a lot!!!

IE -
Dreamscape - Good
Tad Morose - Good, entertaining, but not to the extent that most think,imo.
Kamelot - Very, very Good.
JOP/Savathing - Ruled, plain & simple.

Adagio - Musically great, but thought the new singer was just average.
Wuthering Heights - Utterly laughable.
Brainstorm - I don't get all the fuss and they were one of the bands I was really looking forward to seeing.
PoS - Very, very good. The fans did an excellent job with the setlist.
Edguy - OK, but would've preferred a different setlist.
Creeps said:
Dreamscape - I thought sounded better live than on disc, added a more raw and heavier vibe to them. I had the new disc prior to the show and picked up Very after their set. I enjoyed them. Somehow during the signings after their set someone made off with my program that had all the autographs in it and I ended up with just Dreamscape's autographs in whomever else's program I ended up with. I was talking about it with Metal Rose at the time and I think the dude next to me ened up with mine.

Sorry about that. I had a friends picture in there as well as mine! Didn't want him to have my ass! Next time, we'll all write our names with markers on the front: If found, please return to ________________________ LOL

Claus / Intromental said:
Looking at these posts, it seems to me that a lot of you found the Wuthering Heights set very cheesy or even comical.

Well, that's the truth right there - the band knew that they already would stand out from the rest of the bands at PP judging by the music alone, so they also decided to add an element of fun to it all - to go all the way with it.

One guy called it Spinal Tap, which doesn't surprise me, since this is Erik Ravn's favorite movie :)

The Lords Of The Ring comments are also quite cool, since the music at many times in reviews has been called the soundtrack to LotR - not that Erik would ever try to write such an album though... And yeah, Morten (drums) do look like Legolas, hehe.

Drinking metal band was another comment, and I can guarentee you that these guys loves to drink (as do their stupid manager) :)

The plan was actually that Nils Patrik was also supposed to wear a kilt, but unfortunately he didn't have one made in time for the show :-(((( Thus, only Teddy appeared in one.

As for Andreas (keyboards) wearing his romantic pop meets gothic dress - well yeah, he's a funny dude, that loves his glam metal, hehe.

The overall thing however is that the band did make an impression on you guys with their looks and stage presence (be it good or bad), and that makes me happy. Thanks for all the comments and pictures, they are REALLY appreciated a lot!!!

Personally they Blew me away and I found Nothing Comical or Silly about them they Kicked my ass and I purchased one of their albums right after their set! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
into eternity- I think they did good despite all the new members and because I lean more towards more brutal music to offset my love for prog, the vocals don't bother me.

dreamscape- I will be curious how they progress but they sound like a glorified dream theater image and words cover band at the moment.

tad morose- ever since I saw and met these guys a few years ago at Milwaukee metalfest, I have been screaming at the top of my lungs that they would go over so well if given a chance to play at progpower. I was SO right!!!

kamelot- only checked out a few songs, not my cup of tea.

WOMD- It was nice hearing old savatage tracks but serious sleep deprivation finally kicked in so I had to leave midway thru set.

Adagio- I was glad that I still enjoyed the songs despite a new singer that had short time to learn material.

Wuthering Heights- I would be curious how much touring they do over in Europe as they don't look comfortable up there but musically, I really am glad to say I enjoyed the set. Seeing 2/3 of the Woods trilogy was killer!! They are hobbit music!:headbang:

brainstorm- while I like the cds, I am now a much huger fan after seeing their live performance!! Damn, they kicked ass!!

Pain of Salvation- My reason for being there, they didn't disappoint! I am glad they played the set they did as if any BE material would have been attempted, I think my head would have exploded from it's warped nature.o_O

Tad Morose- they are good in their cheesy type of way. I made it thru half the set. I enjoyed it but I wouldn't say I am the number 1 fan.