My Test of LeCto. quite pleasing results so far.


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
i got Lepou's LeCto and decided to make a test and ask for some feedback on it. also excuse the 2/4 pause towards the beginning, i was going to put a bass fill there but forgot to. i might be writing a new song with it, what do you think?

EDIT: updated mix w/ Ozone:

same mix with nothing in the master bus: _ no_master.mp3


what sounds better to you? what else can i do to improve this mix? etc...

guitars sound muddy as hell! try putting a gate+comp (the waves C1 gate-comp does wonders) first in the chain, compress it a bit (like 2-3:1, fast attack, medium release) then roll back a bit on the gain on both TSS and LeCto, you know, for tightness! know I'm not to judge the basstone, but maaan, the midrange is killing me. otherwise, great job!
guitars sound muddy as hell! try putting a gate+comp (the waves C1 gate-comp does wonders) first in the chain, compress it a bit (like 2-3:1, fast attack, medium release) then roll back a bit on the gain on both TSS and LeCto, you know, for tightness! know I'm not to judge the basstone, but maaan, the midrange is killing me. otherwise, great job!

thanks, ill get on that now! also, guitar in the very beginning sound a little off because i dualtracked, then quadtracked when the drums kick in. and im sure the fact that the bass track being a down-pitched guitar doesnt help :zipit:
Hey man
I like your sound a lot but i have the impression that the i hear much louder the guitars on the right speaker.Maybe i'm just tired don't know lol.Where did you find that tss plugin?Any link to the web site?