My test with the TSE

En este foro si no eres guay del paraguay no entra a leer el post ni el googlebot :lol:
Necesitas reir sus gracias, alabar lo "bien" que tocan y mezclan o desvelar toda tu cadena de mezcla para que empiecen a adorarte.
So FF666 you think everyone here is full of shit. What are you doing here then? And... where's the spanish forum??? NOT HERE.

re:inanimate: If you use dropbox or soundclick you're gonna get more opinions, it's easier for the listener. Only thing i can say about the mix in myspace is CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! though it's got parts where it sounds cool...