my thoughts on some movies I recently saw for the first time


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - the 3 kids can't act worth a shit, the movie was WAY too long, Alan Rickman and Kenneth Branaugh were awesome, kenneth branaugh was an unexpected delight. Editing SUCKED.

Two Towers - an exciting and entertaining movie, but the changes they made to the plot were uncalled for, especially adding in the elf bullshit (not just arwen's scenes, but the whole elf/man thing - although I hate liv tyler more each day), the fucking faramir disaster - that pissed me off the most, the entmoot "we don't decide quickly and we are not going to war!!....Let's go to war!!!" Whatever. This movie dissapointed the hell out of me.

Lilo and Stitch - WAY better than the previews lead me to believe. Pretty funny. Glad I have little cousins.

Death to Smoochie - AWESOME! Only movie I've seen lately that I enjoyed all the way through.

OK I'm making lunch then hopping a plane back to Boston. See y'all later when I'm back on my blessed blessed dial-up.
I bought my Dad The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for Christmas and he had us all watch it Christmas night as a kind of bonding thing i think. It was actually a really awesome movie. Of course I waited for most of the movie before being able to tell my parents about Metallica using the music near the end for their opening music. It was also a long ass movie. I didn't realize it was more of a Western epic.
all three movies from the Good, Bad, Ugly series are great.

I liked Harry Potter. It was entertaining.

Will be seeing 2 Towers later this week hopefully.

Saw Cries & Whispers (dir by Ingmar Bergman) last week. Brutal and good, but nowhere nearly as powerful as Autumn Sonata.
i watched some movie with robert redford in it where he is a prison warden? my dad was all BOO YEA about the movie. i was sort of like 'well, at least he's easy on the eyes'.
Originally posted by Baliset
Eli Wallach is my hero. i also liked the scenes with "THe Bad" at the beginning. He was so cool.

yeah, totally. Leone quickly establishes that he is no mere comic relief.

prep, you like RR? ew. paul newman destroys him.