Ok so I have a day off and I'm sick as a dog to boot so I have a little time to kill. Therefore I will bore you with my top 20 power metal albums of 2011 in reverse order. I like my power metal on the cheesier side of Edam and I like it epic and heavy or light and airy but with melody always at the forefront. So here it goes...
20. Jack Starr's Burning Starr - Land of the Dead
No one really gave a shit and this was released to little hype and fanfare but it was a really good album of epic and heroic melodic metal with great vocals. Don't underestimate this release cause it delivers on all counts.
19. Iron Savior - The Landing
It was great to hear Piet singing Iron Savior tunes again. I love his voice and the way he sings and the melodies he brings. The Landing was a great comeback and should have had more coverage in the metal press cause it was more than worthy.
18. Ilium - Genetic Memory
The Aussies fronted by Mike DiMeo have been delivering decent albums for a good while now. The Aussie Maiden tag fits on this album. The guitars on this album are some of the most melodic in the whole of last year and Mike's vocals are very powerful.
17. Golden Resurrection - Man on a Mission
My guilty pleasure band. They love Jesus and melodic metal equally as much but I'll settle for loving the latter. The album is so much fun to listen to but keep the sick bag near if the preachy lyrics make you gag!
16. Rhapsody of Fire - From Chaos to Eternity
The final monument before the band split in two and what a fine way to end. It's not my favourite Rhapsody album as that shall forever remain SoEL, but this was in no way a shabby end. Look forward to seeing how the two camps will progress though I'm sure it will be pretty much seamless and business as usual.
15. Ancient Bards - Soulless Child
Sophomore release from female fronted Italians and everything has been turned up a notch from the debut. THe sound is huge and even makes Rhapsody sound merely average. The chick's vocals are very good but in the high sections she has a tendency to sound chipmunky. I'll forgive her!
14. Nightwish - Imaginaerum
I don't love every single song here but at least half the album is completely amazing. For that half I give them immense praise cause I am one of those who considers Tarja to be THE voice for Nightwish and not Annette, however I cannot deny great melodies and the ambitious song writing Tuomas shows. I may even go and see them live again.
13. Cage - Supremacy of Steel
THis album ripped lugholes apart and spat in the whole when I first heard it but my initial wtf reaction has reduced somewhat but the album still rips. Sean Peck is busting several blood vessels in each and every song more or less and the tunes are mostly very good with a couple of fillers. King of the Wasteland is one of the monumental power metal songs of the year.
12. Galneryus - Phoenix Rising
My highly prolific Japanese friends have probably released their best album and probably the best melodic power metal album ever released by a Japanese band IMO. The new singer Sho proves that he has an amazing voice for the band but it's the guitars that are the star of the show in this band. They shred like it's the end of the world!
11. Iron Mask - Black as Death
A quick turnaround this time for Dushan and Co after their last album. This one is even better. Neo-classical melodic metal par exellence. Mark Boals stands in for their normal singer on vox and does an amazing job as usual.
10. Iced Earth - Dystopia
A glorious new chapter for Iced Earth begins with new singer Stu Block breathing new life into the band. Granted he sounds exactly like Barlow most of the time but what's wrong with that when a Barlow type sound is perfect for the band. In the end though you still need tunes and Mr Schaffer didn't let us down I reckon. More succinct and ass kicking and no bullshit meandering meant this album got the most plays than any IE album since Horror Show.
09. Neonfly - Outshine The Sun
Very young English upstarts delivered a blistering debut release. If you like your power metal on the poppy side with beautiful epic and high melodies then Outshine the Sun was the prefect soundtrack. The Enemy was one of the catchiest tunes of last year.
08. Dragonland - Under The Grey Banner
The Swedes returned from a long hiatus and delivered something truly ambitious and sumptuous. This is some grand and highly epic power metal. The songs are very good and of the Rhapsody cloneage mould. This album really deserved more attention.
07. Morton - Come Read The Words Forbidden
One of the best melodic power metal debuts in a long time. Led by main man Max Morton, this album delivered on all counts. Vocals, production and most importantly tuneage. Buy or Die!
06. Dark Forest - Dawn of Infinity.
This album is not strictly power metal but let's broaden the barriers a touch and we find some classic melodic NWOBHM styled metal with glorious anthem after glorious anthem. The band improved beyond all recognition on this album The songs are out of this world memorable and catchy but it's the vocal performance that really uplifts the album beyond the stars. That new guy turned in one of the heavy metal vocal performances of the year. The only thing that is average is the rather raw and crisp production but that's me being pedantic. My complete fave song of the year is on this album, Under the Greenwood Tree. Give this band a chance.
05. Theocracy - As The World Bleeds
Some like the other album better but I like them pretty equally. I was blown away by some of the spectacular riffs, keys and ambitious arrangements on this album. The vocals are good but could be better but it's a minor complaint.
04. Symphony X - Iconoclast
Ok there is some prog quotient in the band but this album is mostly epic power metal to me with a very heavy guitar sound and angry Russ in full force and effect. I think this could possibly be my fave Sym x album ever and I'm not a huge fan of the band. My previous fave was The Odyssey by far.
03. Power Quest - Blood Alliance
Chity has already left the band but at least he left his mark on PQ by helping the band record their best and heaviest album by far. The production on this record is huge and the best it can be and the tunes are very melodic. My initial thought was that Chity's vocals would be too low for the band but I was proved wrong and then some.
02. Powerwolf - Blood of the Saints
That's three in a row now for the 'wolfsters! This band should be huge but there's no justice. Every single song is a complete riot of heavy metal with Atilla's heavy tongue in cheek vocals willing you to commit bloody sin after sin. I have to see them live one day!
01. Pagan's Mind - Heavenly Ecstasy
Again a band with a prog quotient however I noticed very little prog on this fantastic album. I was disappointed in their previous album as it didn't seem to have the magical vocal acrobatics I associate with Nils K Rue, but they are all back and then some on this release. It was a very close call between this album and Powerwolf for the top spot but PM takes it due to larger number of plays over the year. It stayed on my Ipod all year and whenever I was at a loss for what to play, I knew I could always guarantee an ass kicking with a little PM.
let's hope that 2012 can please me well enough as 2011 did. Everyone knows I'm easy to please so it should be cakewalk right??
20. Jack Starr's Burning Starr - Land of the Dead
No one really gave a shit and this was released to little hype and fanfare but it was a really good album of epic and heroic melodic metal with great vocals. Don't underestimate this release cause it delivers on all counts.
19. Iron Savior - The Landing
It was great to hear Piet singing Iron Savior tunes again. I love his voice and the way he sings and the melodies he brings. The Landing was a great comeback and should have had more coverage in the metal press cause it was more than worthy.
18. Ilium - Genetic Memory
The Aussies fronted by Mike DiMeo have been delivering decent albums for a good while now. The Aussie Maiden tag fits on this album. The guitars on this album are some of the most melodic in the whole of last year and Mike's vocals are very powerful.
17. Golden Resurrection - Man on a Mission
My guilty pleasure band. They love Jesus and melodic metal equally as much but I'll settle for loving the latter. The album is so much fun to listen to but keep the sick bag near if the preachy lyrics make you gag!
16. Rhapsody of Fire - From Chaos to Eternity
The final monument before the band split in two and what a fine way to end. It's not my favourite Rhapsody album as that shall forever remain SoEL, but this was in no way a shabby end. Look forward to seeing how the two camps will progress though I'm sure it will be pretty much seamless and business as usual.
15. Ancient Bards - Soulless Child
Sophomore release from female fronted Italians and everything has been turned up a notch from the debut. THe sound is huge and even makes Rhapsody sound merely average. The chick's vocals are very good but in the high sections she has a tendency to sound chipmunky. I'll forgive her!
14. Nightwish - Imaginaerum
I don't love every single song here but at least half the album is completely amazing. For that half I give them immense praise cause I am one of those who considers Tarja to be THE voice for Nightwish and not Annette, however I cannot deny great melodies and the ambitious song writing Tuomas shows. I may even go and see them live again.
13. Cage - Supremacy of Steel
THis album ripped lugholes apart and spat in the whole when I first heard it but my initial wtf reaction has reduced somewhat but the album still rips. Sean Peck is busting several blood vessels in each and every song more or less and the tunes are mostly very good with a couple of fillers. King of the Wasteland is one of the monumental power metal songs of the year.
12. Galneryus - Phoenix Rising
My highly prolific Japanese friends have probably released their best album and probably the best melodic power metal album ever released by a Japanese band IMO. The new singer Sho proves that he has an amazing voice for the band but it's the guitars that are the star of the show in this band. They shred like it's the end of the world!
11. Iron Mask - Black as Death
A quick turnaround this time for Dushan and Co after their last album. This one is even better. Neo-classical melodic metal par exellence. Mark Boals stands in for their normal singer on vox and does an amazing job as usual.
10. Iced Earth - Dystopia
A glorious new chapter for Iced Earth begins with new singer Stu Block breathing new life into the band. Granted he sounds exactly like Barlow most of the time but what's wrong with that when a Barlow type sound is perfect for the band. In the end though you still need tunes and Mr Schaffer didn't let us down I reckon. More succinct and ass kicking and no bullshit meandering meant this album got the most plays than any IE album since Horror Show.
09. Neonfly - Outshine The Sun
Very young English upstarts delivered a blistering debut release. If you like your power metal on the poppy side with beautiful epic and high melodies then Outshine the Sun was the prefect soundtrack. The Enemy was one of the catchiest tunes of last year.
08. Dragonland - Under The Grey Banner
The Swedes returned from a long hiatus and delivered something truly ambitious and sumptuous. This is some grand and highly epic power metal. The songs are very good and of the Rhapsody cloneage mould. This album really deserved more attention.
07. Morton - Come Read The Words Forbidden
One of the best melodic power metal debuts in a long time. Led by main man Max Morton, this album delivered on all counts. Vocals, production and most importantly tuneage. Buy or Die!
06. Dark Forest - Dawn of Infinity.
This album is not strictly power metal but let's broaden the barriers a touch and we find some classic melodic NWOBHM styled metal with glorious anthem after glorious anthem. The band improved beyond all recognition on this album The songs are out of this world memorable and catchy but it's the vocal performance that really uplifts the album beyond the stars. That new guy turned in one of the heavy metal vocal performances of the year. The only thing that is average is the rather raw and crisp production but that's me being pedantic. My complete fave song of the year is on this album, Under the Greenwood Tree. Give this band a chance.
05. Theocracy - As The World Bleeds
Some like the other album better but I like them pretty equally. I was blown away by some of the spectacular riffs, keys and ambitious arrangements on this album. The vocals are good but could be better but it's a minor complaint.
04. Symphony X - Iconoclast
Ok there is some prog quotient in the band but this album is mostly epic power metal to me with a very heavy guitar sound and angry Russ in full force and effect. I think this could possibly be my fave Sym x album ever and I'm not a huge fan of the band. My previous fave was The Odyssey by far.
03. Power Quest - Blood Alliance
Chity has already left the band but at least he left his mark on PQ by helping the band record their best and heaviest album by far. The production on this record is huge and the best it can be and the tunes are very melodic. My initial thought was that Chity's vocals would be too low for the band but I was proved wrong and then some.
02. Powerwolf - Blood of the Saints
That's three in a row now for the 'wolfsters! This band should be huge but there's no justice. Every single song is a complete riot of heavy metal with Atilla's heavy tongue in cheek vocals willing you to commit bloody sin after sin. I have to see them live one day!
01. Pagan's Mind - Heavenly Ecstasy
Again a band with a prog quotient however I noticed very little prog on this fantastic album. I was disappointed in their previous album as it didn't seem to have the magical vocal acrobatics I associate with Nils K Rue, but they are all back and then some on this release. It was a very close call between this album and Powerwolf for the top spot but PM takes it due to larger number of plays over the year. It stayed on my Ipod all year and whenever I was at a loss for what to play, I knew I could always guarantee an ass kicking with a little PM.
let's hope that 2012 can please me well enough as 2011 did. Everyone knows I'm easy to please so it should be cakewalk right??