my tour with orphaned land


New Metal Member
Jun 2, 2005
I would like to thank all OL members for giving me this chance and being my brothers during this tour-this has been the experience of my life and i hope i represented you with honor.
i understand some people would like to know a bit about me so here it is.
Tal Behar is my REAL name.
i was born on december 9th 1978.
i went to the same highschool as kobi and even had his english book which had OL written all over it.
ive been playing guitar for 13 years,i studied privately and at the age of 19 i got accepted to the Rimon music school where i studied for a year and a half.
i joined the army late when i was 22 and got released at 25.
currently i work as a guitar teacher and ive been managing a guitar store for the past year-now i am moving on to be a full time guitarist.
i have a girlfriend for 4 years now and she is the love of my life,she is 21.
i like jogging,movies,photography(as you may have noticed) and my Peavey 5150.
I am currently in two bands as a full member-one has yet to have a name and is a groove metal kinda heavy power thing in which the singer is Gal from Lehavoth.
the second band has a temporary name which is DEAD LIGHT-im currently figuring out weather i can use it-it is a metal band with a female singer.
Well,that's all i can think about,hope it was interesting.
Thank you for your support!
Well, Wiesbaden was my first ever Orphaned Land gig so obviously I've never seen the band live with Yossi. Still, I think you did a great job, Tal, and I wish you all the best with your current and future projects. And hopefully get to see you live again touring Europe. :headbang:
Hi Tal,

I'd say the same as Sister Ophelia. Never seen OL live before except few videos and I must say you did a great job on guitar and vocals !!!!!


Ollo-San said:
yo Yaz

ca va ?
Tu va voir OL en France ?

Salut Olla-San !!!

Et non je ne vais ni à Paris, ni à Toulouse ni à Clermont. J'ai déja vu OL en Suisse à Vevey (très cool) mais j'ai pas le courage d'aller dans une de ces 3 villes (j'habite à Lyon) pour 40 minutes de concert. J'attends de les revoir en tête d'affiche avec le groupe au complet (la chanteuse + le percu) :hotjump:

Et toi tu ne peux pas y aller à cause des exams, c'est ça ???
Hey Tal, what happened to Obese? The instrumental you put on the web a few months ago was sooo cool.
yaz said:
Salut Olla-San !!!

Et non je ne vais ni à Paris, ni à Toulouse ni à Clermont. J'ai déja vu OL en Suisse à Vevey (très cool) mais j'ai pas le courage d'aller dans une de ces 3 villes (j'habite à Lyon) pour 40 minutes de concert. J'attends de les revoir en tête d'affiche avec le groupe au complet (la chanteuse + le percu) :hotjump:

Et toi tu ne peux pas y aller à cause des exams, c'est ça ???

OUai ca me fait trop chier, j'étais super motivé et comme par hasard leurs dates tombent pendant la semaine d'exams :yell: :yell: :yell:
Mais je ne m'avoue pas vaincu :headbang: :headbang: je vai prendre ma revanche sur le destin et j'irai les voir en concert!!!!!! je serai encore plus fou que jamais lol :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Yossi could't take to much of the tour because he can't skip to much of his work (I believe it was) and Tal stepped in for him on the earliest dates on the tour so that he could continue, Yossi has now taken over for Tal again :)
(so Tal only was a temp. tour Yossi ;) ).
oh come on
u have tons of pics
come on =)
show them pics of kobi trashed after drinking
i have many guitars and many effects,but on the tour i used a handmade guitar that was made in poland by witkowski,it has 2 EMG SA and 1 EMG 89 pickups.
for the effects i used a DIGITECH RP-21d
my amp there was a marshall JCM 900 with 4x12 marshall cab.