my weekend in a nutshell...

I flew to Jackson, Mississisiississsissppie to visit my dad. Ate various shellfish, visited pawn shops, and watched Northwestern escape a slaughtering from Ohio State whilst drinking cheap beer.
hmm i was so boring this weekend.
i wrote some stuff.
i painted a little.
i cleaned.
i fuzzed my rabbit.
i read tolstoy and alice in wonderland.
i had an awesome weekend in NYC, all but finished Kavalier & Clay, got a good ways through Snow Crash, and was too cracked out to do much of anything on Sunday night
I installed a few shelves and a few hours later they tore themselves off the wall, so I patched up the wall with Aquafresh.

Also, I bought a new fish, it got trapped inside the ceramic bridge that was in the tank and couldn't move and was almost dead, so I had to do this emergency medical procedure on the bridge and fish, and now he is OK.