Myrk - Black metal from Iceland...


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
This is pretty good. I've been trying to find more extreme metal bands from Iceland due to my heavy interest in Solstafir, but I honestly haven't come up with much. Lots of generic BM crap. This band isn't super 100% incredible or anything, but its some really good melodic/thrashy black metal. The older demo tracks have some ambient stuff going on which sounds surprisingly original to me. Sort of like Dimmu Borgir if they were still around but didn't suck nearly as much. Give it a try... "Nightwinds" is a great track!

edit: also listen to "the spell"
What are the thoughts on Solstafir's debut, Í Blóði og Anda?

I bought it blind at HC2, gave it one spin and never went back to it for a long time. Listened to it again recently and could barely make it through the first track. Maybe I'm just not in the mood for BM these days.
What are the thoughts on Solstafir's debut, Í Blóði og Anda?

I bought it blind at HC2, gave it one spin and never went back to it for a long time. Listened to it again recently and could barely make it through the first track. Maybe I'm just not in the mood for BM these days.

Do you want to sell/trade it? I can't find a copy!

Yes, Iceland is the second most expensive country to live in I think. When I went there, something changed in my brain and I have to go back. November, I can't wait.
This is pretty cool, nothing mindblowing, but solid none the less.
Iceland is next on my list of countries to visit, Im looking at August-September right now.
Yea I really, really do want to. My timetable is somwhat flexible too, and I've seriously wanted to visit the country for years.

Yeah man, I'm definitely going back this year. I want to get city time and do a fair amount of wandering as well. I think it would be righteous to rent a car. Apparently the roads are all just one big circuit that leads to the different towns. You can't get lost! That would be out of control. I'll hit you up later about that, it would be way cheaper than a solo trip (that I was going to do).
Do you want to sell/trade it? I can't find a copy!

Yes, Iceland is the second most expensive country to live in I think. When I went there, something changed in my brain and I have to go back. November, I can't wait.

Norway taking the gold as always, of course! :p
I went to Iceland for a week a few summers ago, it was really cool, even though I went with my dad :ill:. I hope to sometime go back with friends or somethin. I hear Reykjavik has an awesome night life.
I went to Iceland for a week a few summers ago, it was really cool, even though I went with my dad :ill:. I hope to sometime go back with friends or somethin. I hear Reykjavik has an awesome night life.

Well, they all work during the week and go nuts on the weekend. So if you're trying to get rowdy on a weekday it won't happen! I spent all of my time in the city during my last trip, this time it's going to be about the geography.
It would also be hard for me to "get rowdy" with my dad, el oh el.

edit: btw, I downloaded the "Icons of the Dark" album by myrk, and it kicks a lot of ass.

I'm saying that you should do it next next! Also good to know that the album is as fine as the samples.